What's that short for ? No chips on my shoulder and if you were a regular poster or reader in this forum, you would find that, mine is more often than not, the voice of reason.
If you don't think the forum referred to, is over restrictive and over are incredibly naive and blinkered.
Of course you don't get products, in your face, the only products allowed to be aired are the ones sold by the marketing guru who owns the site.
The postings are stilted and there is no real's really a little hidey hole for people who all subscribe to the same creed.
They feel protected who's got the chip on their shoulder.
What you are forgetting, maybe selectively, is the fact that, the majority of people on this board got totally p....d off with the constant and blatant marketing of the Solutions company and that is why there was a change of ownership of cleantalk
There are, of course plenty of reasonable users of these products and purchasers into the network who should not be tarred with the same brush.
The way in which the produsts have been marketed has caused the divisions and bad feeling among many, who may, otherwise, have become purchasers and regular users.
What the style of marketing has caused, is an interest in the healthy homes aspect, which many of us have been aware of and indeed promoted for the past decade and encouraged people to look for suitable products within the suppliers market.
I have no time for restrictive practice, or closed debate and you should really think about the reality of these practices.
have a good day and try to keep an open mind