We have 2 commercial jobs for sale in Peterborough..
This work is currently done traditionally.
We've had this work for 4.5 years and we're selling it cause we live in Notts and it's sooo boring driving there every two weeks. Both jobs are next door to each other and are on the retail park near the big new B & Q. Heres what it involves:
Job 1 - needs to be cleaned every 2 weeks. Week 1 outs only, week 2 in and out. The work can be done anytime between 7.30am and 6pm. The external clean takes 2 people 45 minutes. The internal and external clean takes 2 people 1.5 - 2 hours. The total monthly time for this job is a maximum of 2.75 hours and is worth £150 per month. These people pay by bacs.
Job 2 - needs to be cleaned once a month in and out. Nice small job takes 2 people a maximum of 20 mins to do in and out. Its worth £25 per month. These people pay cash on completion.
We really want to try and sell this stuff before next Thursday cause thats when they're due and the thought of driving down there again is not a pleasant one!
We have a very good relationship with both jobs and they are extremely pleased with our quality of work and price.
This work is ideal for a 1 man or 2 man band based around Peterborough.
We've never had trouble with payment from either job.
Total monthly income from both jobs is £175 and as the usual rules about buying work apply we're asking for 3 x £175...£525..but to try and sell it quickly we're being generous and asking for £500.00
Any questions please email us at