Clean It Up
UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: ftp on November 25, 2009, 08:53:32 pm
Sorry to post about this again but as the title says how much do you pay? I will shortly be on a meter and use 500l per day at least. Think it's about £1.70 a cubic metre so double that for waste? So £3.40 per day plus sewerage rates, plus whatever my household uses so £5.00 a day?
Anyone care to share their bill and usage?
Up to 1000l per week and last year my bill came to just over £850 :-[
Sorry to post about this again but as the title says how much do you pay? I will shortly be on a meter and use 500l per day at least. Think it's about £1.70 a cubic metre so double that for waste? So £3.40 per day plus sewerage rates, plus whatever my household uses so £5.00 a day?
Anyone care to share their bill and usage?
can you refuse to go on a meter or is it compulsory?
Property is already on it that i'm moving to. £100 a month looks a possibility do you think?
been on a meter for 18 mnths and I pay £104 a month.... I use on average 500 ltres a day, and there are 5 of us in the family... oh and I use an R O filter!!
im still waiting for them to adjust my bill i currently only
pay £22 a month at present have been wfp aprox 8months now..
been on a meter for 18 mnths and I pay £104 a month.... I use on average 500 ltres a day, and there are 5 of us in the family... oh and I use an R O filter!!
gulp! that's what i was thinking :-\
Anyone found a way of offsetting that against tax?
you an buy a meter that keeps account of the water before the ro....but I just put £50 a month as an expnse, as I know that a family of 5 will use £55 a month... i think if I was questioned on this It would be obviouse that I am using the extra for work !!
Best keep it quiet then eh ! ??? ::)
about £280 a year.i fill my bucket up half way every morning just before i leave! ;D ;D
about £280 a year.i fill my bucket up half way every morning just before i leave! ;D ;D
is that hot or cold water ?
nice and hot with a blob of green fairy on these cold mornings!
i am on a meter and i use 500l a day,i pay £95 a month and that is on a business rate with anglian water,does not matter how much water i use the bill will not go up.
Hi Dave , I had my meter taken out when i moved was a few years ago now, but might be worth a call to the water company to find out if you can?
Looks like I'll need to do a couple more houses a week to pay for it :'(
Might have to clean in the rain at this rate. Sons housekeeping is about to double - he doesn't pay enough anyway imo. :)
maybe some of u should just go back to TRAD if u cant change the meter.a lot lower overheads and less hassle.get used to trad pole work on some 3 storey and dangerous 1st floor windows, sorted and by some of the posts on here about how many houses u do a day.i can match that trad and more some days!.ok not just 3 hrs a day like some of u do but a good 6 hours!! ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D