Clean It Up

UK General Cleaning Forum => General Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: drive surgeon on March 02, 2009, 09:14:33 pm

Title: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 02, 2009, 09:14:33 pm
im deffo slower than last year, and with the direct debits building up i just dont know how people in business cope. ???
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: Griffus on March 02, 2009, 09:20:26 pm

I thought you were looking at adding a few more strings to your bow?

Pw is never really going to keep you going all year round.

Best wishes

Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 02, 2009, 09:34:14 pm
 drive surgeon
 thought you started doing gutters did you finish making your vac ?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: billyc on March 02, 2009, 09:47:53 pm
If i were to rely just on pressure washing i would have quit years ago- it is a seasonal activity,
i am currently bombed out with cars - vans- upvc-case cleaning- gutter cleaning-chewing gum removal etc.

Customers ringing for pressure washing from end of march onwards- hopefully we will get a good summer

U Need to have more strings to ur bow

Do you have a website - just obtained 16 industrial units for gutter cleaning and another job worth £500- all thru my website which cost 200


Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 02, 2009, 10:24:07 pm
getting my poles for vac asap when have spare cash as i want to market it before the autumn. some people will have their gutters done all year round like.  also want to get into graffiti and chewing gum but its not easy getting the work.  not sure best ways to get that type of work.  im trained to remove graffiti mind! 
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 02, 2009, 10:28:13 pm
water wizard i like you website and billy c's too.  waterwizard how do you get all your hot washer and gear in your van aswell as a tank of water?  wot size tank do you carry?  do you use stand pipes to fill up? do you have skid mounted hot washer or electric one with generator?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 02:50:32 pm
 hi drive surgeon
  glad to hear you like the web site  first its a big van.
  behind the bulkhead is a 650ltr pure water system
  as in first pic then a 600ltr tank for pressure washing
  no i don't run with both tanks full up then a geni
  pressure washer and hot box as in second pic
  but hot box and geni are going to be fitted in my trailer
  to give me more room  as i told you in fumes post


  oh electric hot box runs on diesel yes i use stand pipe 3/4  15min to fill

  regards robin
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 02:57:02 pm
sound mate, dont you suffer with fumes with the exhaust pumping out fumes at the back of the van? when you walk towards the back of van your breathing them in surely? :-\
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 03:02:34 pm
what runs the hot box?  do you have a seperate generator to run your pressure washer and hot box?  or do you have just a generator to supply electric for the hot box as your pressure washer is petrol?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 03:25:23 pm
  hi drive surgeon
  no problems with fumes at all not their long enough to notice
  generator only runs hot box  pressure washer is petrol like
  yours i imagine

Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 03:52:24 pm
do you need a big generator to run a hot box?  hot washers are so expensive so a hot box may be an idea!  whatn are the specs of the hot box, is the one from tech clean any good? as i have one of their machines 13 hp honda with interpump.
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: trevor perry on March 03, 2009, 04:00:14 pm
hi robin
 have you ever considered running the purified water through your hotbox and back into tank to turn your wfp system into a hot water version.]

Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 04:19:07 pm
  hi trevor
  yes Ive thought about it but to be honest i wouldn't have where to start
  also to run a generator and diesel in the hot box would be to expensive
  shows we are thinking though
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 04:25:46 pm
where best to get hot box cheap?  cant see the hotbox on tech cleans website anymore?  think it was a grand though! ???
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 04:32:07 pm
  hi ds
  don't know the size of geni of hand may be a good way for you a hot box
  brayton engineering make them tel 01228 537761 speak to alan tell him
  i recommended him he is a real nice guy very helpful nothing is to much trouble
  i went up once along way from bucs not so far for you carlisle
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: BDCS on March 03, 2009, 05:27:42 pm
You usually only need a small generator for a hot box as they only run the control side. You say the hot box is from Brayton eng ? Tech clean stopped doing theirs as Jan told me they had too many back with faults. I'm also going to build the jeywash into a trailer as I have my drain jetter in the back of the van and its stuffed with the drive gear in as well
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 05:39:07 pm
hi bds
  did tech clean do the brayton one ive had mine for about 5years now
  and had no problems at all with it  although alan did say some suppliers
  don't set the blow off valve properly

Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 05:45:10 pm
send me the details of this brayton firm?  have they a website? how much was yours?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 05:50:56 pm
   already given you name and phone number no web site as far as i know
 hi ds
  don't know the size of geni of hand may be a good way for you a hot box
  brayton engineering make them tel 01228 537761 speak to alan tell him
  i recommended him he is a real nice guy very helpful nothing is to much trouble
  i went up once along way from bucs not so far for you carlisle
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 05:53:31 pm
sorry mate you did, im flicking from this cleanitup forum to a golf forum i go on, sorry.  thanks for the info mate,  will look into it. :)
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: billyc on March 03, 2009, 05:56:07 pm
Ds there is a company here in Manchester who will build you a hot box for around 500-600, the system can be built on a frame and bolted to the floor of your van, probably half the size of the one shown in the pic, fuel pumped directly from a 25litre drum.
 I have a lavor vulcano- i had no problems for 12 months then needed new transformer , fuel pump and electrodes
Hot box cost just over a bag of sand- grand
The guys at taybur took care of my machine and i have seen the systems they build , wish i had spent my money on there system.

System run off generator bolted into my van


Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: BDCS on March 03, 2009, 05:59:45 pm
hi bds
  did tech clean do the brayton one ive had mine for about 5years now
  and had no problems at all with it  although alan did say some suppliers
  don't set the blow off valve properly


 I never meant to imply that tech clean did that particular make - I'm interested in your opinion of yours particually as its a british firm
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 06:01:37 pm

   that's ok let us know how you get on
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 06:01:51 pm
so you would not recommend the lavor volcano then?  why does no one have a good word to say about lavor machines,   so i would be best with one for 600 quid from that place in manchester?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 06:04:27 pm
billy did you mean the lavor vulcano cost you a grand to get fixed?  it costs a grand to buy too.  was it this taybut comapny who made your one for 600 quid?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: billyc on March 03, 2009, 06:16:51 pm
The machine cost just over 1000, the repairs around 150- the original fuel pump was useless - if you allow the machine to run out of fuel the pump will crash.
The electric pump lets you know when u need fuel - but i now run it using 25 litre drums so i can see how much fuel i am using- effectively i could take my machine of the fuel tank its built on and weld to a small frame and bolt to the van floor.
The original transformer also went down when the machine ran out of fuel.

Most machines use the same coil set up for heating the water.
I had 12 months with no trouble - then things seemed to go wrong on a day to day basis


Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 06:24:39 pm
so is it just a copy of the vulcano they can make for 600 quid?  never used a hot so not got a clue about them?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: billyc on March 03, 2009, 06:36:06 pm
The set up i have seen is better than the vulcano - more compact comes without the thrills cover etc

i may be getting one if i put a second van on the road


Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 03, 2009, 06:48:34 pm
cheers billy but wot do i ask for if i call them?  just a hotbox?  does it need to be any particular spec?  my cold machine is 250 bar at 15 litres a minute.
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: thewaterwizard on March 03, 2009, 06:56:34 pm
  thats ok bds
  i don't i don't know wot tech clean sell
  but i do know i am very pleased with my
  brayton and would recommend them

Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 04, 2009, 04:24:55 pm
i bet the generator to run a hot box is massive and really heavy? and the cost?
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: BDCS on March 04, 2009, 05:09:48 pm
You only need a small generator to run the hotbox as it only really supplys the control circuit
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 04, 2009, 05:12:40 pm
but you need a big generator to run an electric hot washer tho right?

hot box (small gene)

electric hot washer (big gene)

Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: BDCS on March 04, 2009, 05:54:19 pm
Yes - the big draw is the pump - petrol & hot box small generator
                                                 - electric - big generator
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 04, 2009, 06:16:58 pm
thats good news if i get a hot box as i need room in my van,  i will already have pressure washer, hot box and generator  :o  wish i could afford skid mount professional hot washer :-[ :'(
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: BDCS on March 04, 2009, 07:25:15 pm
Why - you get the best of both worlds with a hot box, spending a grand rather than about 6k. I'm going for the hot box but its a luxury as I've done without it for 6 years
Title: Re: slow for pressure washing
Post by: drive surgeon on March 05, 2009, 04:08:17 pm
i know its a dear game. :o