Clean It Up
UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: shammy davis jnr on February 21, 2008, 02:32:20 pm
need to up grade my advert for employing folk and need some fresh ideas to cut out the time wasters that apply any one got a nice worded pitch that keeps the riff raff at bay
asap plz cheers davis
Riff Raff need not apply ;D
Thieves, Drunks, Benefit Cheats, Lazy B$$$$$$s. Need Not apply!
That should be o.k.
Wanted: Reliable, capable, well presented window cleaner. Must have clean driving license and be willing to work in all weathers. Basic pay plus bonuses, uniform, insurance, holiday pay and use of van after qualifying period.
If you want to grow with my business, perhaps eventually acheiving a team leader or supervisory role then please contact me on:-
Sounds so good I might apply myself! ;D
Gissa a job, mister, I can do that ;D
long haired freakey people need not apply
Or how about:
Too lazy to get up off yer fat arse and get your own round?
Then come and work for me.
Better than sitting around indoors watching Trisha.
And what's more you'll earn a few £.
If the word "earn" fills you with dread don't bother applying.
Or words to that effect!!! ;D
pmpl ;D ;D
thats what i like about u guy f,,k all
they are all true aswell it should read like this wanted a donkey dumb and strong and works all day
only ethnic donkeys need apply ie we do not discriminate between brown,ones black ones ,religious,ones as long as they are willing to work ,we take d**es gay donkey even cross dressing ones own saddel nessesary ,we do not supply carrots for your lunch our do alarm calls if you sleep in crashes to carts will be payed for out your own saddel now just work hey i bet a donkey would pass beter than some i have interviewed over the years ;D ;D
funny that wonder if this is the way forward how would you fit a wfp to a donkey
if you dont laugh you cry now do some work instead of reading my crazy posts :D :D
remember it pays to have a laugh now and again
yours davis