Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: tonyoliver on March 25, 2020, 06:51:29 pm

Title: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: tonyoliver on March 25, 2020, 06:51:29 pm
Emotive title to get your attention
Saw the news the police are stopping people on the tube and in open spaces and asking where they are going and sending people away if they feel the answer is not good enough  newpolice powers start tomorrow
Won't be long till vans are stopped or neibours call the police when those that work are working out of spite
don't like it the gestapo made most of Their arrests by denunciations
Had a viral video of a traffic warden getting stick for putting tickets on outside a hospital with a threat of violence at the end
I hate wardens but why oh why are they forced out to ticket motorists outside s hospital
Please ignore Moral questions about work or not working
Should we be aware our civil libertys are being destroyed before our eyes once thay have powers they never ever let them go

Thank god we never had to have I'd
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: Stoots on March 25, 2020, 06:57:50 pm
Saw a police camera van parked up today, collecting money for the goverment handouts no doubt
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: dazmond on March 25, 2020, 07:04:35 pm
the day after the boris "lockdown" i was cleaning some artwork on a local main road near me and a copper waved to me as he drove past......i dont think we have anything to worry about ...certainly not around here anyway.... ;D

Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: matty72 on March 25, 2020, 07:14:38 pm
After alot of thinking i decided to work today, glad i did it went well, and a cracking bit of sun most were happy to see me, i hope every day will be like that but not counting on it.
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: Soupy on March 26, 2020, 06:52:42 am
Traffic wardens are ticketing cars outside hospitals because they're parked illegally and are probably causing a hazard of taking up valuable spaces.

I'd have thought.

Parking at hospitals should be free.
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: deeege on March 26, 2020, 07:12:35 am
Traffic wardens are ticketing cars outside hospitals because they're parked illegally and are probably causing a hazard of taking up valuable spaces.

I'd have thought.

Parking at hospitals should be free.

I thought it was nationally for the next 8 weeks? It is at my local NHS trust anyway.
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: Granny on March 26, 2020, 07:36:36 am
At least we don't have to fill in a form to go out yet like they do in some countries and so far they are not tracking mobile phones to ensure you don't go out of your area or go out more than once a day.
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: dazmond on March 26, 2020, 07:49:46 am
At least we don't have to fill in a form to go out yet like they do in some countries and so far they are not tracking mobile phones to ensure you don't go out of your area or go out more than once a day.

I think they are tracking our movements mate.....remember there are cameras everywhere these days and the government have asked for data from  phone companies like  BT to monitor our movements.....but they re more likely to be using it to break up large gatherings of people if they need to....
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: andyM on March 26, 2020, 07:52:44 am
At least we don't have to fill in a form to go out yet like they do in some countries and so far they are not tracking mobile phones to ensure you don't go out of your area or go out more than once a day.

I think they are tracking our movements mate.....remember there are cameras everywhere these days and the government have asked for data from  phone companies like  BT to monitor our movements.....but they re more likely to be using it to break up large gatherings of people if they need to....

Could always just leave your phone at home, i suppose?     (
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: AuRavelling79 on March 26, 2020, 08:39:56 am
To the OP.
Do you think that during this Coronovirus outbreak that comparing the UK Police to the  Gestapo is proportional?

Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: tonyoliver on March 26, 2020, 08:59:21 am
Yes and no to the gestapo
  powers were tiny in 1933 compared to their reach in 1945
The police can now detain you without a reason
Lock you up on mental health grounds
Track your movements
Stop political rallies
Stop strikes
No parliament
No elections
Sounds like 1984 to me
And I know these people never let go of a new power or laws are ever taken off the statue book
Only minor repeals and if they wish for instance use laws against you that date back to the thirteenth century
Sedition being a good example
So no the local Bobbie is not the gerhiem stadt polizi but his bosses may be in the future
The other side to the coin is the nut jobs are taking advantage of the situation political extremes religious nuts and enviromentalts
Are. Driving their views forwardand the are not nice
Just a few moments on the web will tell you how they think

I know this is a window cleaning forum
But as we are not window cleaners for the forceable future we might as well do a little bit of thinking about the society we want to emerge into if not for us but for your children and grandchildren
Title: Re: Police state v window cleaners
Post by: AuRavelling79 on March 26, 2020, 09:28:05 am
Yes and no to the gestapo
  powers were tiny in 1933 compared to their reach in 1945
The police can now detain you without a reason
Lock you up on mental health grounds
Track your movements
Stop political rallies
Stop strikes
No parliament
No elections
Sounds like 1984 to me
And I know these people never let go of a new power or laws are ever taken off the statue book
Only minor repeals and if they wish for instance use laws against you that date back to the thirteenth century
Sedition being a good example
So no the local Bobbie is not the gerhiem stadt polizi but his bosses may be in the future
The other side to the coin is the nut jobs are taking advantage of the situation political extremes religious nuts and enviromentalts
Are. Driving their views forwardand the are not nice
Just a few moments on the web will tell you how they think

I know this is a window cleaning forum
But as we are not window cleaners for the forceable future we might as well do a little bit of thinking about the society we want to emerge into if not for us but for your children and grandchildren

You're right. And this is the window cleaning section part of the forum so I have locked the thread. If you want to start it again in the "any other chat section" be my guest.