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UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: robert mitchell on May 05, 2017, 08:34:41 pm

Title: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: robert mitchell on May 05, 2017, 08:34:41 pm
Does anyone own one of these poles?

Its supposed to be stiffer than the slx but its £465 compared to £285 for the slx .

The extreme 25 is only a tenner more .

Would be good to hear some feedback from somebody that has one.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: Dave Willis on May 06, 2017, 07:12:01 am
Just snapped my Extreme yet again, so interested if there is anything that lasts a bit longer without too much of a weight penalty at 35'
I've always used the ones with the metal collar -  they always snap in the same place just below the banding.
I may go back to a 30' SLX I think as 30' is my ideal length 27' is too short 35' is too long.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: ben M on May 06, 2017, 09:35:07 am
Which version of the xtreme have you got?
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: Rob.Hall on May 06, 2017, 11:15:54 am
I'm pondering the S Max 22 with a  section 6 extension.
Its that or Extreme 25.
Thought about the SLX but want a stiff pole.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: dazmond on May 06, 2017, 12:16:59 pm
ive gone back to a brand new  SLX 25 as my every day pole as i got sick of sections snapping on the xtremes(both the metal band ones and the new v3).

ive also got a SLX 22 and ive just bought the SLX 25 base section to make it into an SLX 25 so i have 2 every day poles.

this covers me for most work.for anything higher i have my xtreme 47 which will last a lifetime due to being used around 10 times a month.

i find the SLX fine.its easy to use with a carbon gooseneck and xtreme brush even at awkward angles.not quite as good as the xtreme of course but not much in it really.the problem is the wear and price with the xtremes IMO.esp if you use it all day,every day.they were lasting 18 months and at over £500 a pop its too much to fork out.

a fully expect the SLX to last 3 years where as id have to buy 2 xtremes in that time so im saving over £700 in 3 years.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: robert mitchell on May 06, 2017, 06:26:32 pm
The weight is about the same as slx and about the same cost as an extreme .

It's the extra stiffness I'm interested in but no comparison video has been done yet that I can find .
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: the king on May 06, 2017, 06:52:45 pm
ive bin thinking about geting a extreme v3 for ages now but some of u lads  have put me off may look at the xline nano insted 
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: duncan h on May 06, 2017, 07:25:05 pm
ive bin thinking about geting a extreme v3 for ages now but some of u lads  have put me off may look at the xline nano insted
Same as mate. Don't mind spending more to make the job better, but havnt got money to burn
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: davids3511 on May 07, 2017, 09:55:30 am
Best pole is section 1,2 and 3 SLX with 4 and 5 being xtreme.  Rigid, light and lasts.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: Dave Willis on May 07, 2017, 02:11:26 pm
they are excellent poles to use but to get the weight as low as they are, the walls are very thin, bit of wear and they are thinner still. So you can't have your cake and eat it. I guess any pole of the same weight and rigidity would be no better. At least there is plenty of choice. If you suffer from depression don't buy an Extreme - it took at least an hour for the tears to dry up after I'd wiped out close to £100 of my days earnings when it went bang.  :'(
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: Dave Willis on May 07, 2017, 02:13:42 pm
Best pole is section 1,2 and 3 SLX with 4 and 5 being xtreme.  Rigid, light and lasts.
That's an interesting (and fairly cheap) option to try. Might unbalance the pole a bit but worth a shot.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: Alex Gardiner on May 07, 2017, 04:32:50 pm
Best pole is section 1,2 and 3 SLX with 4 and 5 being xtreme.  Rigid, light and lasts.

You are of course entitled to mix and match any sections you like for use on these poles - whatever works best for you.... However I did want to point out that this combination is not recommended by us and would invalidate any warranty - Why?

Mixing the section this way puts heavier sections at the top of the pole thereby adding weight and wear on the more delicate bottom Xtreme sections  ;)
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: robbo333 on May 07, 2017, 05:04:19 pm
I have an old slx 22, which is fantastic, (but not good if you have dodgy elbows and cleaning over connies).
I then bought the extreme (i think the mk2) I broke the top 3 sections over the period of a few years (probably all my fault) but you need to be careful how you treat them. I now have the new exteme 22 (plus my previous extreme extensions 6&7) which I add on if needed.
Unfortunately i'm back to the dodgy elbows debate and i'm sort of stuck with using the extreme and being careful. The slx 22 I use as a backup and that's it. (it even has the old style clamps, which i've never had a single problem's like an 'old friend').
So where am I at?
The slx is fantastic and if you're fit and doing basic house bashing then you can't go wrong.
The new extreme is very quick, very light and earns me more money every week (especially with these feet!) . But even when working normally, you can hear the odd slight cracking noise; I know it hasn't snapped but I'm just wondering how soon it will be before i'm paying out another 100 quid.
My verdict: Get the extreme and work slower, it'll still be quick and better for your body.
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: robert mitchell on May 07, 2017, 05:12:44 pm
Well that went well , started a thread about the Supermax 3k and it's been all about the extreme and the slx  ;D
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: robbo333 on May 07, 2017, 05:52:06 pm
Well that went well , started a thread about the Supermax 3k and it's been all about the extreme and the slx  ;D

I think we are all trying to help, but we just don't own one... ???
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: davids3511 on May 07, 2017, 10:30:59 pm
Best pole is section 1,2 and 3 SLX with 4 and 5 being xtreme.  Rigid, light and lasts.

You are of course entitled to mix and match any sections you like for use on these poles - whatever works best for you.... However I did want to point out that this combination is not recommended by us and would invalidate any warranty - Why?

Mixing the section this way puts heavier sections at the top of the pole thereby adding weight and wear on the more delicate bottom Xtreme sections  ;)
1,2&3 are going to barely last a year anyway so you're looking at £300 a year to replace as compared to SLX sections costing £216 which will last twice as long. What's the weight difference between the two lots of sections?
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: windowswashed on May 11, 2017, 09:51:24 pm
I've snapped three sections of extreme poles to date and every time it has been with a heavy type brush. Now I only use extreme brushes for extreme poles so hopefully they last longer. Slx poles for reach-it brushes as brushes are heavier but with 31 jets per brush I'm loving these brushes. Shame the extreme poles aren't up to using reach-it brush heads
Title: Re: Smax 27 3k hm carbon
Post by: the king on May 12, 2017, 05:57:48 am
im prity shore the super max 22 is heaver but stuffer than a slx22  and will last longer ect, the extreme 22 is liter than the other to stiff but snap easer and dont last