Clean It Up

UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Forum Admin on September 20, 2003, 03:55:45 pm

Title: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: Forum Admin on September 20, 2003, 03:55:45 pm
Is everyone aware that you can request an email notification on any topic when someone posts a reply? Simply click on 'Notify of replies' for an email to be sent to you automatically.
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: The_Fed_Man on September 20, 2003, 04:29:24 pm
Any plans of an area to upload files, pictures etc?
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 20, 2003, 10:42:59 pm
;)seeing as you are going to be the forum for window cleaners will you be doing some kind of forum mag,on line!,like cleanzine ??? that could be interesting! ;)

well you are the only forum,so you may as well grab every corner u can and y not! :)or do a 3 monthly or monthly update on forum people etc ;) watch this space your members will be growing,at a very pleaseing rate! :D
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: STEVE71163 on September 20, 2003, 11:00:12 pm
I think this forum is going to grow and grow because their has been a need for something like this for a few years. ;D

Steve Lowe
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: luap on September 21, 2003, 04:40:51 am
i think steve is right..the only prob is if it does expand you have to watch out for the long as the board has bona fide members and you dont have guests able to can be a terrific resource for everyone....

Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: karlosdaze on September 21, 2003, 04:33:14 pm
There is another English wc forum where I think its by invitation only. Its for more experienced window cleaners, and hardly any flaming at all. I don't think I'm allowed to advertise it here though. I've learned more from that EU forum than the other American ones, and the members go out of their way to research for you.
Who will be the first to spill the beans?
Andrew, John, Terry?
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: STEVE71163 on September 21, 2003, 05:06:53 pm
     Sorry to sound a bit stupid :-[ but what does flaming mean ???

Steve Lowe
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 21, 2003, 05:20:31 pm
;) I am with you on that one steve ??? please explain
what do you mean by Flaming ???
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: Forum Admin on September 21, 2003, 07:44:06 pm
Flaming is a term used when discussions get out of hand and members start insulting each other. Believe it or not it can be quite common on message boards and tends to happen as member lists grow!
Although we have had to remove a couple of posts which were 'unprofessional' flaming is more of a problem where guests can post messages without having to register.
We are trying to improve the site all the time and, needless to say, your suggestions are welcomed.
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 21, 2003, 08:10:57 pm
;)Thank you for that forum! :D I have had simular to that myself,but replied in a sturn not swearing,dont muck with me mate! 8)to a American who started it,
slagging me off,because the Guinness Book listens to me
and not them,to which I said,what have you done,what have you won!have to one for your country!then you have done none!who are you! >:( 8) :P
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up foru
Post by: STEVE71163 on September 21, 2003, 09:40:04 pm
Thanks for that Forum Admin :D It looks like you are getting all these things sorted out quite quickly because i noticed a few posts you deleted last week. If people can not post in a polite and professional way then why bother posting at all. ???

Steve Lowe
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: Dean Taberner on July 07, 2009, 01:46:11 pm
Flamming hell :P
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: JSMC on July 07, 2009, 03:28:58 pm
only thing missing is private messaging. Only forum i use without out and it's a pain TBH
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: R W C on July 07, 2009, 04:29:00 pm
why you brought this back up dean, its 6 years old.
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: cozy on July 07, 2009, 04:29:25 pm
If you have private messaging on a forum like this, all the nasty WC's would build "gangs" and go around picking on poor little defencless WC's 8)

Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: Nathanael Jones on July 07, 2009, 04:31:14 pm
only thing missing is private messaging. Only forum i use without out and it's a pain TBH

I believe that PM's were allowed on CIU for the first few years, but some fool supplier decided to abuse the privilege for advertising purposes, so it was removed along with the memberlist. :(
Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: Dean Taberner on July 07, 2009, 04:36:11 pm
why you brought this back up dean, its 6 years old.


I live in the past :o :o :o

Title: Re: * Getting the most out of the Clean It Up forum *
Post by: Clive McDonald on July 07, 2009, 06:36:04 pm
I opened this with trepidation thinking that admin had read the arguing thread and thought we should all grow up a bit and start behaving.

Mostly my time on ciu has been positive, it has taught me things that may have taken a decade to learn on the job. Some ideas i have been resistant to, i have bowed to others who claimed success, and been glad that i did.

The best bit about the forum is it doesn't tell me what i know, it tells me what i don't know.