Clean It Up
UK Window Cleaning Forum => Window Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Marc Davies on November 30, 2013, 09:24:24 am
Had a good read through the forum but this is my first post .
Looking to start up a window cleaning round but a bit unclear on a few things , probably the same things everybody thinks about when they start up i suppose .
Going to work out of an estate car to start with so space will be limited , though i've taken the back seats out for more room , not a problem because there's only me to worry about . Anyway , what i was going to do was just basically get the traditional start up kit + ladders then simply knock doors and offer to clean windows , minimum fuss sort of thing . But i'm also wondering wether to save up (it'll take a while because i haven't got the cash yet) and get a van , WFP system, website , flyers - ie put a bit more thought into it before i start . Not sure either if December is a good time to start , probably isn't judging by some forum posts though at the same time i want to start soon as possible.
Live in a rural area so i'm not really going to get rows n rows of houses to fly through but at the same time there are some big old houses scattered about . Made a few enquiries about window cleaners currently about in the area and got a mixed response - so and so comes when he wants - so and so used to do it but doesn't now etc . So don't think there is a regular service . Not seen any advertised either .
Oh and it's probably worth mentioning i'm 43 with all the aches n pains that go with it ! ;D
Welcome to the forum Marc....
I started in December 2 years ago. Winter and so-called double dip recession!
2 years on - fully established and great business - really enjoy it!!
If you're determined and got the right work ethic, anytime to start is a good time.
All the best...
Hi Marc & welcome to the forum.
Window cleaning is a numbers game really, & if you aint got many houses near you, you may find it difficult & may have to travel.
Also when potential customers say that they used to have a cleaner but now he dont turn up, theres normally a reason for it ?? Like them normally ;D
As for the time of year, you may get a few one off's this time of year, but any time of year you can get new custies.
Just a tip for a new starter, dont go cheap just to get a job because you will regret it for years after ( weve all done it )
Oh and it's probably worth mentioning i'm 43 with all the aches n pains that go with it ! ;D
BTW, I was 52 when I started....!!! ;)
Marc no need to rush into things get your equipment and learn how to use it.
I honestly believe that there will always be work for good tidy window cleaners
Don't be afraid to invest a few quid even get a loan if you can
This could be dangerous time of the year to start working from a ladder for the first time
especially if you haven't any experience.
Take your time master your skills look after your reputation and you will get there.
Best of luck.
Welcome to your new nursery ;D Tools and methods of working aren't the only things that need to be studied mate. You'll find years of experience from lots of windies on this web site mate.
Every minute you sweat during practice, is ten minutes less spent bleeding during the battle etc etc. Read all you can as you go along, but get started now. Don't wait until you're good at the work. Do it and get good as you earn.
By the way, I leaflet then knock a few days later. Works well for me as rejection doesn't bother me. If you get good at that, nobody can satnd in your way when you're building your business.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the replies everyone . Sound advice all round , it's appreciated .
Think i'll get some kit together , have a good old practice till i'm reasonably competent with the tools and on my ladder . then get some leaflets knocked up and delivered and see what kind of response i get . Live in the sort of place and surrounding villages though where word will soon get round if i offer a quality service which obviously has to be my first aim . Then hopefully the work will come in and i can add people to my round.
Will have to travel a bit further than would be normal i suspect being rural but that's ok , i'll have to reflect that in my prices . As long as i can pick up a few customers to begin with i'll be happy .
Looking forward to the challenge ! :)
Why don't you get a trailer system?
That way you don't need a van. Just put poles on your roof rack etc.
Go straight into WFP. Even if it takes you longer to save up. You won't regret it.
I would seriously consider the WFP route, either trailer or small tank in back of estate car. My mate who runs a considerable window cleaning commercial business has among his fleet a corsa van with a 125 Ltr tank in the back, pump, reel etc. It's a really neat little set up & is used as a back up/nip here & there vehicle.
WFP equipment has come down so much in price & improved in quality over the past few years so you can have a nice little set up for much less money than a few years ago.
I'm also rural & specialise in big country houses, mansions, farms etc & for me it's the cream of the crop!
Where do you live? as this could determine your input water quality, you "might" not even need an RO.
Thanks again for the responses . This is mainly what i've been thinking about before i start up - wether to kick off trad then go WFP or WFP from the start .
The vehicle i've got is a Land rover Freelander and like i said i've taken the back seats out so it looks like the van version really , plenty of room . Think the payload is roughly half a tonne . Already has roof rack and towbar . I live in rural north East England and the water supplier is Northumbria Water who have told me the water supply is 'soft' but i have not proved this with a meter yet . Farms and big old buildings would be aplenty round here I can tell you !
Couple of things which i have to bear in mind starting up is as i've said the cost , plus , i can not park my car outside my house or even on the road outside it (thin country lane which i would block) , neither do i have a garage . So , to fill any kind of system up with a large amount of water is going to be arkward . I can park on a car park down the road but it's roughly hundred yards away . On the upside , there's at least three reservoirs handy ;D
I need to do some research on a trailer system I think.
Sounds like a right pain in the ar5e to go wfp for you then??
You also need to stop things from freezing in the winter, so an electricity supply is also handy.
As for farmers, from my experience is they are tight gits ;D
marc where are you from, i live between morpeth and alnwick may be able to help you with things
Perhaps i should just get a ladder and bucket and be done with it . Or clean tractors and cars instead , they sure get dirty here very quickly ;D
Thanks for the offer Michael but i'm in Weardale a fair bit away from where you are .
I would suggest start off trad and see how you go for a year or so. Ive been doing it for 10 years and cleaned trad only for the first 7 i clean top windows with a backpack system and clean bottom windows either wtp or trad depending on house/customer preference etc... In the long run wfp is definitely the way to go, but i would say start off with a ladder and bucket. you will learn the technique of trad window cleaning, and get a decide whether you definitely want to do this for a living before spending a fortune.
Fair comment Mike. Lower start up cost , chance to get to grip with trad methods and also will give me some idea of the amount of customers i can get . Then perhaps look at WFP further down the line .
Good advice on this thread , thanks .
hi mark im in the north east aswell and have a 4x4 set up for wfp its a 210ltr tank di vessel backpack and hose reel it works a treat, if you run low on water you just fill up at a customers and on the frosty nights disconnect the the di and backpack and take them indoors i wrap the hose reel in an old duvet and fill with hot water if needed.
Sounds good alank . Where did you buy the parts from for your system ?
I got the backpack from window cleaning warehouse. the tank,pole brush and hose etc from alex gardiners the di vessel on ebay the whole set up was not expensive.