Clean It Up
UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Geoff on April 06, 2013, 09:41:26 pm
While I'm interested in getting started with carpets, is there much mileage in cleaning curtains?
I'd have thought this was a dry-cleaner job myself. Can't they just go in the washing machine at 60°? Then iron. Got to be much cheaper than dry cleaners.
There is a reason that curtains are dry cleaned, if you stick them in the washing machine you risk shrinking them or the backing. I wouldn't risk it.
You'll learn about this in your training for carpets and upholstery.
We offer a curtain service. We take them down, take them to the dry cleaners, take back & rehang. We take out hooks & other fittings. We tell the custy's which dry cleaner we use. We charge 50% more than the dc's would charge, and we get a 50% discount from them, so our gp is about 66%. Lined curtains just over £1.00 per sq ft.
They can still shrink, often do, in fact. Last job was worth total £620 gross inc vat, and that was an ordinary lounge in a nice-ish bungalow.
So can carpets shrink too?
Think Geoffrey is on a wind up chappies ;D
yes carpets can but just tell the custy that the next clean will be cheaper as there will be less carpet to clean custy will be happy and book you then and there. :D
Think Geoffrey is on a wind up chappies ;D
Why would I waste my time doing that? You have a problem with new questions?
FWIW, I appreciate the decent answers that have been given to my questions, but your reply is crap.
Geoffrey put your location in your profile and you'll get better answers.
Yes, put your real info and kirb your lip fella, then you mayyy get a sensible responce.
Yes, put your real info and kirb your lip fella, then you mayyy get a sensible responce.
I think it's because you asked whether carpets can shrink? It's one of the biggest worries my customers always query, without fail. Have you booked a training course?
Yes, put your real info and kirb your lip fella, then you mayyy get a sensible responce.
Did you do English at school?
Geoffrey, your questions come across like your a simpleton, thats hy i think your on a wind up under a false name.
If you are for real, then get off your lazy arse and do a search because the answers to all your questions are already on here.
I might be a simpleton, but at least I;m being honest - I know nothing about carpet cleaning and I think the best way to get info is to ask, not spend years trawling through old posts that may well be out of date anyway.
Maybe no-one should be allowed to make any posts? How'd you feel about that? I guess you are an expert, so there's no need for you to read anything here, nor ask. So why login - just to make it hard for new guys to get into CC? Is this what you're worried about?
I might be a simpleton, but at least I;m being honest - I know nothing about carpet cleaning and I think the best way to get info is to ask, not spend years trawling through old posts that may well be out of date anyway.
Maybe no-one should be allowed to make any posts? How'd you feel about that? I guess you are an expert, so there's no need for you to read anything here, nor ask. So why login - just to make it hard for new guys to get into CC? Is this what you're worried about?
You should at the very least post your location.
I wouldn't want to help anyone covering my area.
Geoffrey - I will give you the benefit of doubt.
My best advice is book yourself on a training course.
Having attended a course, all the information that you can search for on here, or ask questions about, will make more sense.
Besides which, you may decide that C/C is not for you once you've been on a course.
You can't learn how to be a carpet cleaner from a forum.
Hope this helps.
ok mate, I appreciate your reply.
Do you dry clean the backings as well or just the curtain.
Been asked a few times but it looks a bit of a faff.
They're sewn together on three sides aren't they?
blimey, I'm with Mossy on this one but Steve, being the gent he is has given someone the benefit of the doubt because he is gay lol. Seriously though, what if it is just a simple question (and I really don't believe that) but sometimes, we get it wrong.
Paul, call me
I dry vacuum the linings I never wet them this is pointed out pre clean or over the telephone.
Jeez, what's wrong with simple questions?
How would I know if a question was simple or not?
You lot are bit tough!
I've been on many forums over the years, and always been helped out as a newbie, but you guys are something else!
(I'll try to make my questions complicated from now on, ok?!)
Thats fine blue, but do us all a favour and postthem on the other channel ;)
Geoffrey we've been bitten by people before not being who they say there were you're not helping yourself with no 'history' and not knowing your location.
ok ok, I've done that.
(can't help not having 'history', as most of my internet forum history has been on boards about car repairs :D ).
Right now that you've wound your neck in we can start,
I clean curtains onsite or as they hang you dont get them regularly but it's a good add on, more than anything you need training to identify of fabrics then you can decide which method to clean with.
I also have a dry cleaners and many customers come in to have curtains dry cleaned as the risk of shrinkage is far far less.
Shaun, those curtains I posted about a few weeks ago, with the dog grease on, would they be better going to a dry cleaners?
So can carpets shrink too?
??? ??? ;D
So can carpets shrink too?
Not the way I clean them..... ;D ;D
But some people can manage to do it with other methods :o :o
So can carpets shrink too?
Not the way I clean them..... ;D ;D
But some people can manage to do it with other methods :o :o
Trouble is, you don't clean em either ;D
:P :P :P
:-* ;D
I'm not sure Craig it's one of those try and try again.
i had a dry cleaning business for 27 years,cleaned thousands of curtains,blinds etc
if anyone wants some advice,im here for you ;D ;D ;D