Clean It Up

UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 07:49:41 am

Title: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 07:49:41 am
In my area Romford Essex is dead carpet wise,just thought how is everyone else doing? we are first page Google,Thomson Local, age concern,news paper ::) or is it calme before the storm ::) christmas carpet clean time, just cant work it out ::)

The amount of carpet cleaning machines on Ebay! never seen so many,have you guys noticed Tesco have done us no favours!
Rug docktors £20 plus chems!
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: chrisjohn on September 19, 2011, 08:01:33 am
Id say im fairly steady at the moment,which for me is a job a day.Certainly not as busy as last 6 months when doin 2-3 jobs a day.Not sure why there has been a lull over last 3 weeks.

Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 08:53:56 am
well your lucky! carpets,we have just 2 jobs booked ??? its dead in this area,I think people just dont have the money ??? not sure what to do next in this department,we have gone in the book again but I will give it one year and if it dont pick up I will sell off the machine,so many on Ebay right now ::)
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Colin Day on September 19, 2011, 08:57:15 am
After a belting 8 -10 weeks, I'm quiet at the moment, however oven cleaning did pick up last week. I have some good jobs booked in for the beginning of next month though. I've learnt not to panic when things go slack now! I'm just awaiting some chunky cheques to come through the door from the commercial work, so it all evens itself out in the end...
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 09:02:48 am
 ::) I wish I could say the same colin ??? it might be my area at the moment,but I can defo say this year
is far worse work wise than last year,I checked my work book and its clear to see,in fact its so clear it looks like I taken the bloody year off,what people dont know I did have a bad fall in an Esso Garage in the shop,last september,and was off for a long while,my lawers are dealing with this now,been one year I am hoping its going to the courts! so I did have to give up some work with my contracters too much pain at the time ::)
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: davep on September 19, 2011, 12:05:15 pm
Are you sure it's quiet in Essex or it's just you who's quiet?
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: M.Acorn on September 19, 2011, 12:12:39 pm
Had a really good run of work over the last 2 months,got a nice big buffer in the bank for when it's quite now.
Got quite a bit outstanding too.
But it's getting a little bit slower,1 job this morn,then 2 quotes,1 on Thurs and 1 on Fri,phone has stopped ringing though,couple of calls over the last 2 weeks,letting agencies slowing down a bit also.
Trying a different adversing company now too,3 months over xmas,so hopefully it should help.
Got a couple more big commercial jobs ,just before xmas too.
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Phil @ Extreme Clean on September 19, 2011, 01:26:19 pm
Absolutely dead been looking for a part time job to tide me over but even that's hard no work anywere thinking of giving up meself.
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Aquakleen Restoration Services on September 19, 2011, 02:06:54 pm
Do you guys leaflet? Rather than wait for the phone to ring get your walking boots and Ipod on and do some walking. Better still go around some commercial premises and ask if they need their carpets cleaned? There is money around but you need to work to get the work.
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Paul Evans on September 19, 2011, 02:08:32 pm
After A reasonable 5-6 months.

Have been quiet last 2  weeks (maybe the kids going back to school)

Seems to have picked up a bit this week. This is only my first year though so nothing to compare it with.

Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 02:18:17 pm
wow not just me then ??? last year was better,so if your just starting up,good luck ::) the problem is it cost to advertise which we have done with little or no return, = ouch ::)
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: A Morley on September 19, 2011, 03:01:57 pm
Yep, just about to start up as soon as my Ill Health Retirement cash comes through from my company next week. I realise I'm taking the plunge right when there's less cash around than there's ever been. But what's the alternative, chase a minimum wage job that will have fifty people after it or linger on benefits !? The problem is all of the options are difficult.

It's times like this when I wish I had more strings to my bow. We'd all love to turn the clock back and maybe have a bricklaying apprenticeship under our belts or be skilled at fixing cars. Well there's no point in rueing missed opportunities, just got to get on with things I guess.

And yes, I will  be putting a lot of miles in leafleting. It may be the most demanding option, but it's also the cheapest.

Good luck all.
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: bcc on September 19, 2011, 04:05:40 pm
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: davep on September 19, 2011, 04:09:12 pm
Dont put too much on leaflets. Response can be low especially with the increase of takeaway flyer and charity bags piling up on the mat
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 04:15:29 pm
I agree Dave p,for the first time since December we are going in the papers to test the water!but at £40 per
week,reaching 45,000 homes will see ???
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: clinton on September 19, 2011, 04:27:13 pm
Yur right with the take away menues etc as we have noticed many more dropping through the letterbox too.

Had some schools to clean over the holidays so that kept me very busy..
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Colin Day on September 19, 2011, 04:48:08 pm
Looking back through my diaries, I do see a pattern emerging, this time of year is always a struggle. I've got a big job this Wednesday, 2 seater, 3 seater, carpets and oven....

At least the wife will be pleased I've finally got round to cleaning our own stuff... ;D
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: M.Acorn on September 19, 2011, 04:49:04 pm
Not all bad here,booked my first quote today,taken another booking for Friday,got asked by a woman walking her dog for a card,as I was outside removing the roof bar clamps from my van roof.
Quoting another one this eve 4 bed clean and protect,should be worth £250 ish
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: dave123 on September 19, 2011, 05:12:26 pm
Not been too bad here , ticking over .Like Colin have a few big cheques due to land on my doormat anyday now . Always find August and September to be good months . As well as leaflets Terry do you contact old customers to remind them it's time to get their carpets cleaned ? Also I send new customers a thank you letter and prompt them to recommend me to their friends and family .

Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Clare.w on September 19, 2011, 05:13:04 pm
Do any of you have the small a5 sized monthly local directory books delivered in your areas?
We use 3 of the 4 that are delivered around our city, they work a treat.
I've tried other ones that have never worked but the ones that go out monthly do work, have also had editorials written in them for us sometimess for free. You should have a look around you area, see if there is anything like this and ask the editor's about doing a write up on your company.

You could also think about getting yourself in the local paper -somehow, without paying. Do something you think worthy of being in the paper, then write it down and send it to them. They won't write it for you but if you give them something they can almost print without any editing, they could use it as a space filler when needed. More likely get it printed if its relevant, just try and do something other people will want to read, not about you. ie in the spring. when people are spring cleaning, I thought about sending my local newspaper an article with 10 Top Cleaning Tips from our domestic cleaning biz. rubish example but you get what I mean!! free advertising.

Domestic cleaning goes quiet this time of year to, just for a few weeks. I think its just everyone getting back to normal after the hols, kids back to school etc, so don't worry to much just yet!
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Doug Holloway on September 19, 2011, 05:22:47 pm
Hi Guys

I'm busy but have been established for a long time, so would expect to be.

When quiet you just have to keep working at your marketing and it will turn around.

Going face to face selling to commercial, although daunting can be a very cost effective way of getting business, i did it in the last recession and still have a few of the customers I got.


Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: MAX Carpets on September 19, 2011, 06:01:24 pm

Just out of interest how long have you been trading?


Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 06:09:08 pm
Max great one! been doing windows since about 30 years plus but over the last 6 years started to do more carpet cleaning always done it,but more so as I wanted to give up window cleaning,I still do the shows etc,our work was only ever contract blue chip BMW car showrooms stc, my contractors lost loads of work,so did I :'(
the last few years about 3,have been all down hill ::) which forced me to go much more carpet cleaning which I enjoy,the fact I am who I am stays,thats just me,but when I dont do shows there might be film work or tv adds
that come along that pays very well,namely cadbury spots v stripes! all on youtube, so thats me!
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: vince viola on September 19, 2011, 06:47:09 pm
Stacked out all year so far but like some of the guys say,been established for years so probably easier for us than newish firms.
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Andy Hogarth on September 19, 2011, 07:36:11 pm
I'm busy too thankfully

Not so much on the domestics coming in (get a lot of internet price shoppers lately) but more the regulars and commercial.

I do work for 4 regular and about 10 as and when estate agents and with the rental market how it is at the moment that brings in plenty.

Also I have found a massive increase with domestic cleaners, get in with them and they will spread the word for you

Churches are good too, I did work for a bloke heavy into the church, I advertised in a mag that goes out to all the churches in my area, £45 for the year, I have done 4 churches and countless church goers houses.

I'd say the only problem with the way I work at the moment is I'm ALWAYS waiting to get paid, nice when I do though   ;D ;D
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: MAX Carpets on September 19, 2011, 07:42:13 pm
Sorry Terry, you lost me there? TV Ads?
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Len Gribble on September 19, 2011, 07:43:49 pm
I’m never busy everyone has to wait there turn, established customers are understanding they plan around me even when I’ve double book a job (not that often but it has happed)


When you get round to selling a machine give me the wink (I will avoid like the plague) ;)
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 19, 2011, 08:26:52 pm
 ;D Len its all good now really ;D Max go on youtube  ;) Google Fastest window cleaner Guinness Book 2012!
then you will understand  :-*
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: MAX Carpets on September 20, 2011, 07:57:14 am
Ok, but how long have you been carpet cleaning or more importantly how many cc customers on your Date base. Not being rude, just trying to understand your situation.


Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 20, 2011, 08:18:28 am
I have been doing carpets for quite a lot of years,it was mainly window cleaning,but over the last 6/7 years been trying to aim more at the carpets,we do have custys that come back,but this year has really been dead,it just seems no one is spending on there carpets, ??? just not sure if I am going to carry on with it,I think I might be looking all in the wrong direction,might even do somthing else later next year,just not sure at the mo, ???
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: clinton on September 20, 2011, 08:28:42 am
Lots of people are feeling the pinch terry and with bills going up etc..

Also people will have there carpets cleaned as to keep theres nice  rather than buy new so work is out there mate dont worry..
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 20, 2011, 08:32:45 am
Thanks Clinton,its just that this year really has been bad,I look at last year and there is noticebly the fact the calls work has dropped off, ??? hope it picks up soon,I never did any house window cleaning just not enough it,but carpet cleaning most defo, :o
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: MAX Carpets on September 20, 2011, 08:50:59 am
Terry, do you send out remiders to existing customers?
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 20, 2011, 09:14:15 am
Max to be honest no ??? we are first page in our area google,Thomson Local as well,that does pop up some,we are with age concern,3 years a go we moved from an area so that may not have helped,the competitors around me there are quite a few ??? just not sure if I will plug on or not,I will give it one more year ::)
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: MAX Carpets on September 20, 2011, 04:59:50 pm
Thomson, waste of money. Go through any old diaries window & carpets and do a mail shot with some kind of offer. It is the only advertising that works at the moment, existing customers.

Just my thoughts, not worth much.

Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 20, 2011, 05:02:44 pm
yes Justin we have had some stuff from Thompson ??? but this may be our last year with them ??? we are not getting any big stuff, ::)
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: mike roberts on September 20, 2011, 06:28:12 pm
Max to be honest no ??? we are first page in our area google,Thomson Local as well,that does pop up some,we are with age concern,3 years a go we moved from an area so that may not have helped,the competitors around me there are quite a few ??? just not sure if I will plug on or not,I will give it one more year ::)

Hi Terry really worth while as Max said creating a database - hope you dont mind me saying but for all your hard work in the past gaining customers your not using them!
 We only started to use a database about 2 yrs ago (was a bloody nightmare doin it) But what a difference its made every customer contact recorded, costs, room sizes, carpet types so much easier for repeat customers ;D ;D keep in contact with custys for reminders and to sell new services!
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 20, 2011, 07:13:34 pm
yes I know you are right :) must say me head has not been full on over the last 4 years ??? my life has been a bit up down.some good and some very bad, family stuff,deaths that sort of thing,so me heads not been on the work front,then last year I had an Accident,which my lawers are sorting,that did not help,will see how it goes from now,great to hear and have all your imputs, ;D thats what makes this site! :-*
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: mike roberts on September 20, 2011, 07:36:23 pm
sorry to hear about yer probs...... does make you wonder some times.. if its worth it. jes your starting to bring me down!

To be honest just before we did database was considering knocking it on the hd as times were hard recession etc .. But surprisingly building it actually made us focus and helped to highlight to us our loyal customers and all the work we have done - which certainly helped  ;D ;D best Mike

The database we use is sage act - fairly cheap, easier to build and worth its weight in gold!
Title: Re: how is everyone doing?busy or not!
Post by: Terry_Burrows on September 21, 2011, 04:54:16 am
thanks mike, ;D