Clean It Up
UK Floor Cleaning Forum => Carpet Cleaning Forum => Topic started by: Thackley Cleaning Services on September 13, 2011, 05:12:30 pm
Hi Guys,
as carpet cleaners, do we know of possible treatments that allow us to eradicate bed bugs from rooms ?
I know it may not be within our remit but a client asked the question and I thought i'd ask here.
Mpower anybody?
I would leave it to a professional pest controller. They are causing even these guys real headaches.
yeah... apparently they have become resistant to DDT and other pest control insecticides.
But If someone on here deals with that sort of stuff some advice would be really appreciated.
Don't get involved! Bed bugs are a massive problem because of the way they live.
Unlike moths for example, where the larvae are all in plain sight, bed bugs crawl away to hidden places in the day and then venture out to feed at night, sometimes a long way from where they are hiding. This makes it virtually impossible to effectively treat for them.
There's probably loads of stuff if you google for it or have a browse round youtube. I remember seeing something on TV where they found bed bugs within the carcass of a divan bed... they turned it upside down, cut off that plastic cover thing from the bottom and there were the bed bugs nestling in the angle of the wooden framework.
I remember seeing something on TV where they found bed bugs within the carcass of a divan bed... they turned it upside down, cut off that plastic cover thing from the bottom and there were the bed bugs nestling in the angle of the wooden framework.
I remember seeing that one too, and it was the point I decided this was something that carpet cleaners should keep well away from, in the same way as pest controllers should stay away from carpet cleaning.
Sleep tight, hope the bed bugs don't bite !
Mr B
Peter Maybury has a great deal of experience of bed bugs .................check the search facility.
At least I think it's Peter Maybury !!!
- (
they are quite an interesting species. DDT has been banned in this country for quite some time although was using the stuff in Greece some 30 years ago. Not many things have built up a resistance to this particular pesticide but it is not used in many places now as it does not break down within our bodies.
Control of bedbugs needs a very thorough and organised approach.
One of the main things with pest control is that if you do not know what you are doing it is quite easy to take the infestation home with you and this is certainly a pest that can make life unbearable. It is easy to talk about pests but it is difficult to imagine what impact certain things can have on your life, this one can really make you lose a lot of sleep.
Many of these insects have had a much longer time on this planet to evolve and most of them will out see humanity.
Peter (
M Power will destroy them, think it's something to do with the ever changing colloidal action that will physically break down their exoskeleton.
However they can go almost a year before needeng to feed on blood so if they are dormant say living well out of sight of being hit by a spray or its residue then you may need specialist help.
M Power will destroy them, think it's something to do with the ever changing colloidal action that will physically break down their exoskeleton.
However they can go almost a year before needeng to feed on blood so if they are dormant say living well out of sight of being hit by a spray or its residue then you may need specialist help.
So it's actually useless then for bed bugs. :-\
if you think that you can do pest control without any training then you a a little bit of an idiot!!!!!!!!!!
Why do nt you start being an electrician on the side?????????????//
bit harsh mate
i wouldnt do anything without getting proper training first.
That was quite a blunt reply Peter :)
I think Daniel's question was more out of curiosity than an "I'm going to do this, how do I do it" kind of thing :)
I had a a similar reaction from Peter a couple of years ago........but.........if someone has a particular expertise and has completed the relevant training, which he has, it might be worth engaging them in conversation.
I think Peter has just got out the bed the wrong side!!!!!! ;D
There there Peter, don't get you knickers in a twist!!!! hahahahahaha ;D
I worked in a nuclear power plant for a few years with no training, and the amount of issues i had i could count on all 17 of my fingers!!!!!!!!!! ;D
it even affected your brain Billy............
after all...................
Liverpool ??
;D ;D
Fine get the relevant training but on pest control forum we are intel ligent enough to realise the specialisation that is required in different field because of the depth of knowledge that is required in our own field. We would not start handing out advice on vocations that we know nothing about. There are people on here that do not care how they get money or what they do to obtain it. Fine get the training and enter the profession but some of the things that have been said about pest control in the past have been incredibly stupid. The legislation that control the use and application of pesticides is a subject in itself. These product are potentially dangerous and should not be used unless you have been trained. People with pests such as bed bugs are very often desperate and distressed about the situation they are in I do not look respectably at anybody who is untrained and out to make a fast buck out of these situatiuons. Very blunt indeed......... There are already enough unscrupulous people within the industry (rouge traders have cited quite a few). We really do not need people who think they can go to bed a carpet cleaner and wake up a pest contoller. As for entering into conversations the mere suggestion that you can use a product like m power as a method of control, l am just too busy to even bother.
There will soon be a product, with the necessary training available for carpet cleaners.
Probably 4 - 6 weeks away.
well do you know what? i went to bed last night and i woke up as a premiership footballer!!! But i think i may still be dreaming!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
Sounds a bit like im protecting my turf here...
If its really that difficult for carpet cleaners to get into pest control how the hell did peter manage it.
this forum is supposed to be for like minded people to help each other and generate ideas / methods for the greater good.
If anyone has any questions about dry cleaning / laundry pls feel free to ask because our primary business is the aforementioned.
Some time ago I looked into this and there are courses at different levels which must be taken to be taken on by insurers, local authorities, etc, which is fair enough.
I also mentioned some time ago that I knew of a product which can kill and control bed bugs and all similar insects, etc.
Don't know what Jamie's about to launch but will watch with interest.
Strikes me any carpet cleaner who wants a solution for this falls into one of three camps. Either you are really keen to help someone with a big problem, you are greedy or you are desperate. Hopefully you fall into the first category in which case train as a pest controller or pass it on to one.
In any profession be it legal, medical, financial etc. it's drummed into you not to work outside your scope of expertise. What you do is refer it to someone who it's in the clients best interest to talk to.
If you are a professional CARPET CLEANER I suggest it would be in yours and their best interest to put them in touch with a professional pest controller.
with the greatest respect if we all thought like that innovation would stop dead.
people would stop trying to better themselves or trying to learn new skills, companies would stop investing in R&D or in other business sectors.
yes its a highly specialised field but so is dry cleaning or carpet cleaning. Yes any numptie with a portable could clean a carpet but do they do it properly ?
Anything we do we want to do it well because we've spent a long time developing our reputation. It takes years for people to trust you but seconds to destroy that trust.
some people on here need to relax and maybe pop a prozac. this country needs people with a can do attitude not a cant be arsed or bothered one.
Had heard some horror stories of major infestations. In wallpaper seams, in light fittings etc, there's no way i will set foot in a infested house. To come out of a property with just one egg on you can produce 14 offspring. One pest firm I clean for do a 8 week course of treatment dependant on occupiers householders co-operation. Cleaning all bedding clothes etc and bagging. Heat treatment of beds etc where it is heated to 90 degrees to kill em. In America they seal the whole house and raise the heat with ducts to 90 degress to kill em.
Trouble is round here tenants from europe drag in old beds and furniture in their flats and
then complain the flat is infested, difficult one for the landlord.
Happy bug free cleaning
with the greatest respect if we all thought like that innovation would stop dead.
people would stop trying to better themselves or trying to learn new skills, companies would stop investing in R&D or in other business sectors.
yes its a highly specialised field but so is dry cleaning or carpet cleaning. Yes any numptie with a portable could clean a carpet but do they do it properly ?
Anything we do we want to do it well because we've spent a long time developing our reputation. It takes years for people to trust you but seconds to destroy that trust.
some people on here need to relax and maybe pop a prozac. this country needs people with a can do attitude not a cant be arsed or bothered one.
You will need the prozac when you are in court because some kiddy got sick cos of your eagerness and your family have to move out of the house cos you've brought the little beggers home. No I think I'll pass on this 'opportunity' and clean some more carpets. ;D
no one is going to start claiming that they can actually eradicate bed bugs unless they have genuine training to do so.
clients arent stupid either, they too want proof that you can actually do what you say you can in the way of training courses, references etc... Its not ghostbusters where a guy turns up in a disposable overall and a garden sprayer FFS!!!!!!!
its a huge problem for our clients and as were in the cleaning industry albeit carpets and fabrics, they asked us and i posted the question on here in good faith. I was hoping that some people could point the way forward and although most of the guys said something like its really difficult, or leave well alone a couple of posters decided its open season and start firing.
there's no need for this. mods please close this thread
If you want training contact the b.p.c.a. or the it is not something that can be taught on a carpet cleaning forum.
It is not a closed shop but open to anybody who wishes to do the training. If somebody ask you about house conveyancing would you put a post on here asking for advice on how to do it. It is that involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Peter (
I think he got the message!
goodness me!!! make people to scared to ask anything on here!
Some of us carpet cleaners are like taxi drivers Clare! all knowing oracles :P
It took 4 days in a classroom to learn some basics and buy chemicals