Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Acrylic paint
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 21 November 2003
Just been to a job, where the son (Bless Him) spilled a lot of red acrylic paint, onto a Beige carpet. Got most of it out using Ashbys spotters no3 and prochem red RX with a damp towel and iron. but there is still a feint line of red left. anyone got a way of getting rid of this or is it a lost cause. Help appreciated, as customer has just used two gun tex to clean some carpets, still slightly damp after 2 days, also refused to attend call out quickly. so customer not happy with them. Big house so would like to ingratiate myself with them
Posted by RAINBOW69 (RAINBOW69), 25 November 2003
Try a product called Piantex, from Markerfold 01594 835835. Excellant for removing paint.
Posted by woodman (woodman), 25 November 2003
Hi Dave
Sounds like it's permanent and an insurance claim so as a last resort you could try eco-solutions Home Strip, this product is completely safe to use in the home it is Water based so will extract away easily, it is ph neutral, non caustic and non irritant, no solvents so it is low hazard so no risk and has minimal VOC content.
Safe around children and pets just what the customer wants to hear 
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