Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Distribution and printing costs for leaflets
Posted by woodman (woodman), 14 January 2004
I know this has been raised many times before but no apologies for raising again as especially at this time of year and the lead up to spring we are all thinking about our up coming marketing and promotions.
I have been looking at this for the first time in a few years and have been shocked to discover that things have changed quite a bit since the last time I got invloved in leaflet drops.
To give you some Idea I have today recieved a quote for printing and distribution of leaflets as follows:
20,000 full colour leaflets £745.00
Distribution (solus) £65 per thousand.

Thats a whopping £2045 plus VAT .
Printing costs I know can be smashed down but it is reliable distribution that is always the problem especially on a planned distribution.
Who are you guys using for printing and distribution and have you examples of costs.
I am sure many would benefit from some good advice. 
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 14 January 2004
I recall Mike Halliday quoting a figure of less than £100 for printing 10,000 double sided full colour A4 leaflets from the Trade Print Warehouse ( recently.
Whether he had to threaten them with his claw hammer to get this sort of price, I'm not sure..........Mike?
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 14 January 2004
I use Paul Clarke Print on 01787 237801. I only have 2 colour A5 size ( ½ A4 ). They cost £ 67 / 10,000 and I usually get them in 1 week from order. I have a local guy who does 2 or 3 others at the same time (folded seperately). He charges £ 24 / 1000. Usually drops about 2 - 3000 per week. Did have a company ring me re printing and delivery £ 25 / 1000 but wanted a minimum of 20,000 over about 4 weeks. Decided that was too many, too quick. Also I have more control over where they go.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 14 January 2004
I put out 6000 a week in the local paper
Distribution cost £72 not happy being mixed in with Tesc Aldi etc but its the most reliable method,
Posted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 14 January 2004
I had 10,000 A6 size leaflets printed in 1 colour and they cost me £35 from Goodtime Printing.
I distribute myself when I fancy a walk in my spare time (most reliable method) and aim to deliver 100 - 200 a day if possible over a couple of quiet weeks.
I tend to be quite selective on where I want to do business and find recent built housing developements to be the most succesful.
I get about a 2% response from this method of advertising but is by far one of the cheapest methods.
Good luck 
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 15 January 2004
Trade print warehouse Do 10,000 A5 full colour or 20,000 A5 1 colour for £99.
there are cheaper companies out thier but trade-print do tons of work for carpet cleaners and when you talk to them its like talking to another carpet cleaner their knowledge is that good & they have a good collection of carpet cleaning clipart .
I have 4-5 k a week put out at £18 a 1000.
I put my leaflets out on a 4 week rotation so the same house gets my leaflet every 4 weeks, and i only put them out within 4 miles of my home.
Posted by woodman (woodman), 15 January 2004
£745 to between £67 and £99 what a difference and what a rip off it is down here.
Still have to find reliable distributors though,I am currently looking at CD marketing to deliver but still pricey as I want Solus delivery.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 15 January 2004
having them delivered by themselves is nice but not totally neccesary, I used to have them put out as 2 or 3 and still got a responce.
delivery is always the key to success, try visiting local newsagents to see if you can get their deliveryboys to put them into the papers or offer to clean the newsagents carpets for free if he lets you go into the shop early on a sunday morning and put a leaflet all the newspapers.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 15 January 2004
Another thing I do is place them on the windows of decent looking cars in car parks.
Its quite a quick method.
I dont worry too much about response rates as they change from week to week.
The important thing is you are being active and the leads are copming in
Posted by nick_warrenevans (nick_warrenevans), 19 January 2004
There is obviously alot of you out there who send out leaflets. Does it work for you?
Am i right in saying that there is about a 2% return. ( heard that somewhere)
May be i should have a go and call tradeprint warehouse.
Posted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 19 January 2004
Had a quiet day last Thursday so thought I'd deliver some leaflets door to door. Picked 2 reasonably new estates approx 60 houses on each.
That evening I had 2 serious enquiries mounting to over £200 worth of business. It was 1 enquiry from each estate, result!!
Some people do ring after several months too. I have had this on numerous occasions about 4 months after delivering the leaflets.
I advertise as the local Carpet & Upholstery cleaner. Free estimates etc. Works for me and its cheap!!!!
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 20 January 2004
Nick its more like 0.02% response
at 2% if you put out a 1000 leaflets you'd get 20 calls. this is why usually you have to put out 1000s & 1000s to get a result
I tried 4000 on friday with a different paper, no responce so far and I got the bill this morning. I'll be doing some checking before they get a penny.
Posted by Ian_Hare (Ian_Hare), 20 January 2004
Mike, at 0.02% you'd need to put out 5,000 to obtain 1 call!
0.2% is perhaps what you meant
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 20 January 2004
In my experience with both window blinds and carpet cleaning it does happen that you put out 5000 leaflets and get no response.
Could be a bad area,
Another time you are working till late at night trying to follow up all the calls
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 20 January 2004
Ian, you're right 0.2%.
Today I went round the area I had my leaflets dropped and knocked on some doors to see if they had recieved my leaflet, they have been put out. just no call yet.
but I never judge a leaflet on a january responce.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 20 January 2004
Its late but isnt .20% 20 per thousand.
That means if you put out 5000 a week you are getting 100 replies
If you convert 60 my hit rate you are megga busy.
Must phone Helen see if I can capture one of these leaflets as she is now in Beverley by the Cathedral somewhere.
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 20 January 2004
No 0.2% is 2 per 1000 leaflets. National average is recconed to be 0.3%. But remember that is an AVERAGE. Sometimes you can do a whole estate and get nothing othertimes you get a few. Like Mike says distribution is the key. find a reliable way to get lots of them out there. I was lucky found a guy who lives about 300 yds away, and is very reliable, so even if I get no responce I know they have been delivered. Try asking people who deliver other leaflets to your door.
Posted by Ian_Hare (Ian_Hare), 21 January 2004
Hi Dave.
Glad to see another CC who knows simple Math,
without using a calculator too I trust?
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 21 January 2004
Couldnt find my calculator . its buried under leaflets waiting to be delivered by the leaflet fairy.

Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 21 January 2004
I admit I got my sums wrong I did say it was late.
I was trying to work out why Mikes were out pulling mine both in Carpet Cleaning and Blinds, been worrying about it allday.
Then it clicked I got my sums wrong.
Posted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 21 January 2004
Just another pointer.
Get your leaflets distributed independently, don't have them mixed with all the other ones that are shoved in newspapers etc.
Like I said before, if you have the time then do some yourself!
Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 27 January 2004
Hi Mike Halliday
Have you a number for Trade print warehouse or a web address?
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 27 January 2004
01482 342464 they do have a website but know the address.
i was in their this morning, they've got lots of new carpet cleaning pictures to use on leaflets.
Steve G' saw your leaflet of the press, looks very nice 
Posted by Northerclean (Alex), 27 January 2004
Here you go squeaky,
Posted by squeaky (squeaky), 27 January 2004
What a gent
Posted by Northerclean (Alex), 27 January 2004
No problem
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 27 January 2004
Are they printed on both sides 
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