Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Lighter Fuel
Posted by SteveTruman (SteveTruman), 24 February 2004
Ok guys..
Had a call yesterday re somebody had gone into someones house.. sprayed themselves and a sofa in lighter fluid and threatened to make himself into a torch Anyway police have asked him to get a quote for cleaning sofa.. Will lighter fuel come out as apparently it is badly marked (Not Burnt ).. If so what will bring it out ..
P.S. He didnt set light to himself
Posted by nick.solution (nick.solution), 24 February 2004
Hi Steve
Cleaning would be relative as the foam inside the sofa would also have absorbed the lighter fluid so would need to be replaced, the frame could also have absorbed fluid, it is possible the clients own insurers will want the siute removed as they may consider it to be an addition fire risk, personally my advise is DONT TOUCH
Best regards nick
Posted by SteveTruman (SteveTruman), 24 February 2004
Been to see it Nick. The preverbial barge pole comes into mind. Thanks for advice, told him to get it replaced..
Posted by woodman (woodman), 25 February 2004
Glad to hear it Steve
Remember all furniture is fire proofed (or is supposed to be anyway by law) this guy had just made it flamable again.
Any fuel spill to soft furnishings or carpets is an Insurance write off.
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