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0800 help!
Posted by steve_tyler (steve_tyler), 13 August 2003
hello all,
            could anyone advise me as to what the most attractive package that they know of regarding 0800 free phone numbers.Have looked online but to many to look through so thought i might use this as a short cut.cheers everyone,steve.

Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 14 August 2003
Hi Steve
We use IMS Telecom based in Leeds as they were recommended by the Chamber of Commerce and did 'special' rates for 0800 numbers. I've since found loads of companies that do similar, if not better, deals and to be honest I dont think theres a lot to choose between them. We also recently looked at 0845 local rate numbers and the best company we found were Eco-phone who just charge 5 setup fee and no call charges.
Hope this helps
Posted by steve_tyler (steve_tyler), 15 August 2003
thanks for the input mike .By the way what sort of responce do you get from an 0800 number compared to a paid number.Just curious.cheers steve....
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 16 August 2003
A lot of people use our 0800 number but, to be honest, its very difficult to try to evaluate whether people would still have called if they only had our normal phone number to use. We assume that the customer appreciates they can call to get free advice which is truly free.
For others, a lot of it depends on the type of customers you are dealing with as a freephone number is more appealing to a consumer rather than a business user who doesnt directly pay for the call themselves. I do think theres a downside to 0800 numbers as people cant immediately tell where you're based which may affect those customers who are looking for a local company.
There are other options such as local rate numbers (0845) and a whole load of other new numbers that are subsidised in one way or another. The only problem with having so many other prefixes is that I dont think people are entirely sure what the costs are any more - it was simple when there was just 0800 which was free and 0891 which everyone knew was going to cost at least 60p per minute.
One thing I wouldnt do is promote a mobile number as these are now getting prefix numbers which are similar to premium rate and again I think there is a possibility of confusing customers.
In summary, I'd recommend a nationwide company (or at least one that covers a large area) to go for an 0800 and for those contract cleaners and window cleaners who only target local customers I'd just use the normal landline number and use the local angle to attract those customers who really want to support a local supplier. Besides, if people know you havent got to travel far they'll assume that you'll have lower costs and won't charge as much - which probably isn't far from the truth for most companies!
Posted by steve_tyler (steve_tyler), 16 August 2003
Hi mike,
           I can see the pro`s & cons for 0800 but I`ve gone ahead and ordered mine anyway Grincheers mike.steve.....

Posted by George (George), 25 August 2003
I've just signed up with Davria Telecommunications they offer no setup or line rental costs and a very reasonable call forwarding cost of 5p per minute peak 3.73p off peak for calls forwarded to a landline, they also offer forwarding to mobiles.

Hope this helps! Kiss
Posted by woodman (woodman), 25 August 2003
Can I recommend Response Reporter they use 0845 numbers and track where calls are coming from.

Very useful in advertising campaign.

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