Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Longest Traveled
Posted by peewa (neil 47), 23 December 2003
What,s the futherest you guy,s will travel for a one off clean,or have travelled ?
Posted by Musicman (Musicman), 23 December 2003
My team and I recently did a 300 mile round trip for a deep clean - but were paid £350 on top of our usual fee to compensate for the travelling cost and time.
Posted by strakercleaning (strakercleaning), 23 December 2003
I once did a job for A to Z Cleaning in Cornwall and they sent me with TM from Battersea in South London to Ryde on the Isle of Wight. 16 hour round trip to clean approx 60 - 70 sq metres
Ours not to reason why..................
Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 23 December 2003
For some years I use to travel to St-Etien in France, a round trip of about 1150 miles, to clean three antique tapestries and a few rugs.
This once a year, in August. Needless to say the customer paid VERY well for the cleaning, all traveling expences, plus three days traveling time an one extra day to recover.
Whilst it made a change, the drive was very tireing and after being away for 5 days I returned to an answering machine crammed with requests for urgent attention from my other regulars. The net result was that I was severely overworked for about a month and often ended up ill with something or other by mid-September, which of course is when the Christmas booking rush starts.
When this customer popped his clogs I regretted the passing of a friend but as to the job - good riddance
Posted by peewa (neil 47), 23 December 2003
What dedicated proffesionals you all are
Posted by lenpg (lenpg), 23 December 2003
Hi Neil
What ever it takes as long as you earn!
Two weeks ago I was in southern Spain taking a short but long earnest rest seeing friends who now live there, it turns out quite a few Brit’s are having carpets installed in there homes, then I took a trip to Gib via motor yacht carpet and upholstery are in a bit of a state, never slow in coming forwards I commented to the owner when was the last time you had these cleaned, answer never as it only two years old, given him the spiel, I’m now flying out on 29th to quote for three more boats, five homes and hopefully more, the only problem I’ve got is to take the wife, kids and mother in-law (no joke she lives with us) if my plan dose not pan out at, least I had a good drink on 31st
Yes I’m a dedicated professional but need profit, why do it for nothing!
Happy Christmas and a very profitable new year to you all!
Not into Ps’s but this is true.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 24 December 2003
I've been known to travel to the next village, all of 4 miles away!!
I would'nt dream of going further than 15 miles even if they offered to pay extra. Why travel miles when there's plenty of work on your doorstep.
I stopped advertising in The Holderness Gazette because it was bringing in work 20 miles away. The ad only cost me £7 a week and brought in about £150-£200 of work, but I still gave it up because of the distance, I could'nt be bothered to go their.
anyone in the Gazette area (Holderness) you should put an ad in, it well pays for its self
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 24 December 2003
I can't believe it 30 seconds after writing my last post I got a call from some posh woman who lives in central London, says she's got blood all over her carpets. Its seems her dog got into a fight with another dog and came of worst.
I said I could'nt do it until the new year, anyone want the Job?
Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 24 December 2003
She called me after you Mike, Lizzy I think her name was, told her to call a Splash and Dash lad from darn sarf.
Posted by Londoner (Londoner), 27 December 2003
On the subject of Southern Spain posted By Lenpg. A friend of mine has semi retired to spain but has found there's bundles of window cleaning work from british ex- pats who live there.
The people are generally quite wealthy retired folks who are happy to pay but can't get anyone. Most villas are single storey with big glass patio doors etc.
It seems the locals don't have window cleaners they all do it themselves.
My friend also said there is loads of painting and decorating work going begging.
Must be an opening there for a carpet cleaner.
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 27 December 2003
Hi C*ckney Lad, and a belated Merry Christmas to you.
I gather they don't have many carpets in most Mediteranean countries. Usually marble or ceramic floors. In the winter they may have area rugs if the climate is cool enough, which they sometimes send away in the summer to be cleaned. So carpet soiling isn't such a big problem (fortunately) and the industry isn't as big as in Northern Europe. And maybe with "living" on the patio, upholstery cleaning isn't as big as it is here, but I stand to be corrected on that one.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 27 December 2003
The auto edit facility on these Bulletin Boards can be a larf at times. When I typed C*ckney Lad above, but spelt correctly, it came out as Thingylad. My signiture below, Life's a B*tch..... came out as Life's a pregnant dog..... Now, has anyone here ever been to the pantomine and seen Widow Twanky? How did that one get through?
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by Kinver_Clean (Kinver_Clean), 28 December 2003
The week before Christmas I did a round trip of 204 miles to clean 1 sq foot of carpet that had a very feint water mark on it. 2 1/2 hours to get there 20 mins doing it including a cup of coffee and then back home. Charged something over £1.25 a sq inch. This is the second time in six months I have done the same job. The builder I do the work for has now put a completely new bathroom in.
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