Posted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 1 January 2004
Just "wand"ered (sorry) if I'm a little behind the times with my single jetted wands? Is there much advantage to twin jet?
Happy new year by the way
Posted by md_cleaning (md_cleaning), 1 January 2004
Paul, My wand has 4 jets and does a very good job, but then never used a single jet wand but would think 2 would be better than one. Thanks for your tip about felt tip pens and the bleach marks. Dave
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 1 January 2004
Hi Paul Single jet wands are generally provided with smaller machines that have a limited cleaning width. The advantage of more jets is that you get more consistent coverage across the whole width of the wand. Whether changing the wand on your machine would make much difference I guess would depend on what machine you have. You'd also have to bear in mind that the nozzles need to be matched with the pump output - just swapping to another standard 2 jet wand may makes things worse! What machine(s) do you have? Regards Mike
Posted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 1 January 2004
I use a Prochem Steameasy 400 & Cheyenne. I pretty sure that these are not the original wands that you should get if you purchase from new and wonder whether this would have any negative effect. The spray is ok but feel that perhaps the edges of the wand are perhaps not as well served as the middle. Would it be worth spending the money to upgrade in your opinion?
PS - Dave, would love to take the credit for the crayon tip but unfortunately it was not me
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 2 January 2004
Not true about single jet and smaller machine
Steamway powermatic I would say is not a small machine
Steamway wand with single FLOOD JET and enclosed cleaning head to keep more heat at the capet.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 2 January 2004
whether you use a 1,2,3 jet wand it usually makes no difference on the amount of solution hitting the carpet because as you go up in number the actual jet size decreases, the differance it makes is heat loss. A single jet will have to be about 4inches above the carpet a 2jet wand will have the jets a lot closer.
You also get a more even coverage with a higher number of jets.
people often use the argument that you have to be careful about increasing your jet size too much because your machine might not have the vacuum to recover it all, but the steaming Demon machine uses a massive jet that puts something like 3 or 4 gls a minute onto the carpet but still uses a single 3 stage vac to recover it.
most machines can recover a vast amount of solution but you have to use good wand technique.
Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 2 January 2004
Don't forget also that you do need to change jets from time to time (the time factor depending on whether you use brass or steel).
In time the wear through continual use can alter the spray patterns
Regards Derek
Posted by brucie (brucie), 2 January 2004
to change the subject slightly,I am getting an anoying drip from 1 of my 2 jets, have tried replacing jets but still the same. any ideas ?
Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 2 January 2004
Behind the jets on the vast majority of wands should be a combined filter/anti-drip valve.
Inside the filter is a ballvalve and spring, which can be accessed by unscrewing the input end. Carefully dissemble and check the ball and seat for pitting/contamination. The spring may have weakened with age, requireing replacement.
These valves are designed to release at a fairly low pressure, so anothe cause of dripping, where the valve itself is functioning correctly, is a slight leakage past the trigger valve on the wand.
Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 2 January 2004
I had this just the other day with one jet,give a good clean out,tighten up you can also try a small rubber washer,sometimes will do the trick
Posted by brucie (brucie), 10 January 2004
I have changed the 2 filters.No more drips!
Posted by allencarpetclean (allencarpetclean), 10 January 2004
Brian how much were your filters & where did you get them?
Posted by Cleanersonthego (Cleanersonthego), 10 January 2004
ive just set up a domestic cleaning business i went and did a 2 bedroom flat and they asked me to do carpets i didnt have a machine so went to argos and got a jet and wash1500 will this have done the job or should i b getting something better dave
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 10 January 2004
ive just set up a domestic cleaning business i went and did a 2 bedroom flat and they asked me to do carpets i didnt have a machine so went to argos and got a jet and wash1500 will this have done the job or should i b getting something better dave
Hi Dave and welcome to Cleanitup.
Trying to answer your question diplomatically here before someone upsets you........... Buying a machine from Argos to get into carpet cleaning is like buying a moped for a career as as a National Sales Rep! If it's not too late get your money back and hire something until you've been through some of the previous topics on this forum - there are loads of people who have been in the same position and have been given some really usefull advice.
Mike Boxall
Posted by brucie (brucie), 11 January 2004
filters cost £4 each,from any prochem distributor
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