General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
marketing and mail shots
Posted by ozge (ozzy), 31 March 2004
I have recntly started a cleaning company in lnorth london, i am planning to do mail shots to estate agents. does anybody know how this letters should be? or is it better to prepare presentation files to send out?
many thanks
Posted by Keith_Lalanne (Keith_Lalanne), 31 March 2004
Hi Ozzy
You need to establish if your target estate agent has a letting dept. Not all of them have. Spend a morning on the phone and find out the name of the lettings manager. Then address to him and use his name in the salutation eg Dear mr x.
Keep it short and sweet!
Who you are, What you can offer, Response times, you may or may not want to give a price structure, I have tried both with similar results.
[/b]FOLLOW UP![b]
More business is lost by not following up than any other reason. Therefore you need to keep your mailshots down to batches of twenty, don't send out your next batch until you have followed up all of the first lot.
Answering machines are the kiss of death! You must have a land-line and address on your header, put in a mobile number as well but arrange for someone to answer the phone in a business like manner. Nothing is more off putting to potential customers than barking dogs, screaming kids or an abrupt telephone manner.
You only get one chance to make a first impression! Old advice but so many forget that appearence is important- Look Smart and act professional and the business will come to you.
Hope this is not more advice than you asked for but it works for me and my company did £200K worth of business with estate agents and property management companies last year.
Posted by ozge (ozzy), 1 April 2004
Hi keith
Thank you very much for your advices, first i thought to prepare presentation files, but then i thought it would be better to use just one page letter. But i have not put the letting managers names, i have just put some info about the company all contact details for more detailed info and web site details. so hopefuly it will work. getting a new business is very hard. what do you think about e-mail shots?
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