Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
Leaflets - 1 Colour - A5 - 5,000 for only £95!
Posted by Cov_Cleaner (Cov_Cleaner), 8 December 2003
I can arrange this deal through a friend (naturally I've added the cost of a drink for myself!) Still a great price. He supplied my Carpet & Upholstery leaflets and he usually charges a hell of a lot more! He's quite old/busy and he doesn't bother himself with any mail order deals. If you are interested and you are unable to collect from Coventry it'll need to be sent with Parcelforce. Not sure of the cost. If anyone wants to weigh it at the Post office you'll need a box of 5 reems (2,500 sheets of 80gm A4 paper) I'm sure you all have a box handy!!! The plate and basic artwork costs are included in the price. Send me a personal message with your Name & Address and I'll post you a sample of my leaflet.
Anyone interested, let me know.
Posted by perfection_cleanin (perfection_cleanin), 11 January 2004
hi cov-cleaner please send me a copy of your leaflet it would be very much appreciated my name is john meehan 38jefferson court strabane co.tyrone northern ireland bt829rw thanks perfection-cleanin ![Huh](/YaBBImages/huh.gif)
Posted by BelfastMark (BelfastMark), 11 January 2004
Oh dear, competition ![Smiley](/YaBBImages/smiley.gif)
Posted by andy (andy), 13 January 2004
hi ya cov cleaner! could you send me a leaflet sample?
send it to
Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 14 January 2004
I'd have to advise against posting your home address or even email address on this site.
Lets remember it is not a private site, and anyone can view. At best you're asking for a load of junk email. At worst, well who knows what weirdos there are out there.
The best way to communicate your details is to send the person a private message. Click on their name to view their profile, on that page you will see the option "send user a private message"
This will not be viewable by the whole world then!
[remember you can modify a post once it has been posted]
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 14 January 2004
check this out
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