Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Cleantalk board
Posted by Phil_@_Deep_Clean (Phil_@_Deep_Clean), 26 February 2004
Anyone having trouble loading the Cleantalk board.
Not been able to log on for 2 days now. 
I miss my daliy read of this great and original board for Carpet Cleaners.
Posted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 26 February 2004
I thought it was just me 
Posted by Shaun_Ashmore (Shaun_Ashmore), 26 February 2004
I spoke to Paul today (bloody nice bloke) he told me that the site was down and trying to gat it bach asap
Posted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 26 February 2004
Had same prob, also had prob with prev/next buttons, seemed to pick a topic at random.
Posted by Phil_@_Deep_Clean (Phil_@_Deep_Clean), 26 February 2004
Thanks fellas,
I can stop taking me computer apart now.
A new baby arrives and the cleantalk board goes all (.)(.) up!!!! 
Posted by Cloverleaf (Cloverleaf), 26 February 2004
Just replaced me hard drive and modem, reloaded windows and internet expletive. Hired a computer consultant @ £175 per hour (earns nearly as much as me) problem still not fixed!
Just kidin 
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 26 February 2004
This is a National Disaster.
Perhaps it will be on News at 10.30pm
Posted by bonzer (bonzer), 26 February 2004
Hi all,
It's back working now. We had a major hardware problem and Paul and I spent the whole flippin' afternoon at Docklands replacing parts and visiting PC world in Beckton (nearest to the data centre our server is in) and almost spending the same money Cloverleaf did!

Anyway - job done.
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