Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Posted by catrodney (catrodney), 18 August 2003
hi everyone as you kow i run a small cleaning co and employ an outside contractor to clean carpets when these jobs arise,he in formed me that carpets cannot be scotchguarded anymore could someone tell me why and what alternative is there to protect carpets from spills .
Posted by steve_tyler (steve_tyler), 18 August 2003
HI m8,
I heard about 18 months ago that they are meant to be phasing out scotchguard because of the chemicals involved but i know it`s still being used.
Posted by woodman (woodman), 18 August 2003
3M Scotchguard voluntarily withdrew scotchguard when it was discovered that a chemical whithin the product was remaining in the environment and tests showed that some people had traces of it in the body.
Although it thought to be perfectly safe 3M decided to withdraw now rather than face future problems if further tests show a problem.(Teflon could be next)
All products still out there can be used but cannot be replaced.
3M will be announcing a re-launch of a totaly safe product in the near future.
Expect huge demand for the product as 3M has scored a massive popularity hit in the US with its actions seen as the act of a responsible company acting in public interest with out being forced by goverment etc.
Posted by Derek (Derek), 19 August 2003
As I understand it the 'new' 3M upholstery protector should be available sometime this year. The sample I have been trialing gives a good performance but the odour is a bit stronger that the previous product.
I believe that they are still working on the carpet protector for the UK market. There is one that is currently being used at some carpet mills in the UK.
There was a fair amount of existing product available to the Scotchcare network until quite recently that's why its still been around.
Some product has been shipped in from the US but it was for the US market which is nearly all Nylon and Polypropylene.
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