General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.

Extra Client Services - Refuse Collections
Posted by pipmossop (pipmossop), 30 January 2004
We are a commercial refuse collection company specalising in daily waste collections from all over central London where we are the largest independent company in operation.

We work with a lot of cleaning companies who keep telling us of the difficulties in competing in the market place and keeping clients happy.  Many of these cleaning companies are now working with us, London Refuse Collection, to provide a one-stop shop for clients, they provide the cleaning services and we take way the rubbsh thats left at the end of each day.

There's a good amount of money to be made from margins as well as a lot of benefit for cleaners who are looking for wasy to improve or help with client relationships (we can still save clients money even with your mark ups) by offering them a little bit more.

If anyone is interested or has thought about offering these kinds of services but not had the chance to do it then give us a call and we can have a chat.


Philip Mossop

London Refuse Collection
Posted by pipmossop (pipmossop), 30 January 2004
You can either e-mail me or call the office which is 08700 274 565.



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