General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Do you really think?
Posted by Fox (Fox), 18 December 2003
I have read most posts on here but I'm sure there's plenty I've missed. How far back on the pages do you guys go? Do you really think ressurecting a post is good for the person posting or are you doing it to give info to new?
I like to keep up to date on the current stuff and don't mind if the same question comes up as different answers are usually given.
Posted by petra (petra), 18 December 2003
No I like the same questions reposted as you say, you do get diiferent answers. Petra
Posted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 18 December 2003
TO Fox,you proberly have mist loads of info,but always ask there are loads of good people on this site! willing to gave up info and have a chat!
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 18 December 2003
Hi Fox, I like to see the question come up again at a later stage because someone new may reply with a different angle on the subject
Posted by Fox (Fox), 19 December 2003
Some subjects can get completely worn out so bringing them up again may generate no interest.
However I feel it is important if it is a new member posting to answer. It gives encouragment for them to use the forum and you never know we all might learn something new!
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 19 December 2003
INSANITY is doing a post at 1 OR 2in the morning poor hubby........... Sorry just havin a laugh.
Posted by Fox (Fox), 19 December 2003
It's the only time I get any peace and quiet with 5 kids running around!
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 29 December 2003
It's the only time I get any peace and quiet with 5 kids running around!
5 kids - No wonder you need a gun!
Posted by Fox (Fox), 29 December 2003
BANG! Whoops - and then there were four!!
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 29 December 2003
I did reply previously but it got lost in Cyber Space.
I would like to see topics talked about again.
It helps to keep the sites dynamic and are like golden oldies.
I do not like replies which say refer to past postings and ask then if you do not have answer ask again.
Although a reminder about past postings is useful because it takes a while to learn the site
PLEASE keep sharing info
Happy new Year
Posted by Musicman (Musicman), 29 December 2003
Hey Fox, you should be more careful with your kids - losing one straight after Christmas is like breaking a plate just after you've washed and dried it.
Next time do it before you've spent money on them.
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