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A question on bacteria ?
Posted by DP (DP), 19 January 2004
With the ever increase in publicity about the so called "super bugs" and the growing list of court cases, where does the average cleaning company fall foul in respect of a possible claim against them.
Additionally, with Insurers apparently suffering a major successful claim in respect of residual bacteria being left after flood restoration works; will this open the doors to a whole new chapter of claims against cleaning and/or restoration contractors?
Other issues to consider:
1) Could this result as another blow on insurance premiums?
2) How will it affect your services and the products you use (if at all)?
3) Will this cause a review in cleaning standards and practices?
4) Could "clean" become re- defined/tested to a "bacterially safe level" in the future?
5) With growing public awareness, could this be a good thing for capitalising on the "better" service/product?
So what’s your opinion on any or all of the above?
Posted by amberview (amberview), 19 January 2004
Hello DP,
Your posting has hit a nerve here, as as far as our business is concerned we are making changes nows. Thus I can answer you as follow:
1) I'm not sure 2) It will effect them 3) It is 4) Yes 5) I have my worries about this
Hope that helps in some small way!
PS I sent you a personal note a little earlier
Posted by Fox (Fox), 19 January 2004
A very thought provoking subject! I should imagine anyone in the cleaning business would need to consider some of the issues you have posted.
I feel it will definately result in another blow on insurance premiums. Depressing thought as that maybe the effect of it will be knock on.
I don't suposse the 'superbug' will have too much affect on your average commercial company carrying out office cleaning, so can't see the services or products changing too much, having said that we all need to keep up with the times and there is always a way of improving standards and products. I feel more of an effect will take place within the flood restoration business and the products used (and training given).
Well you did ask opinions! This is mine!
Posted by petra (petra), 19 January 2004
Yes does get the brain ratteling a bit, does any one know more details on this. Petra PS On a lighter note Good bacteria beats bad bacteria so Yakult should help. Sorry could not resist.
Posted by DP (DP), 19 January 2004
Petra: I would like to see the court case on that one
Posted by petra (petra), 19 January 2004
Well it is true, you must have seen the advert Petra
Posted by DP (DP), 20 January 2004
Yup I have,
Not sure what it would look like comming out the front end of a fogger though
Posted by martin_606 (martin_606), 20 January 2004
Hi guys
Problem with bacteria obviously is you can't see the darn blighters, unless you carry around the ultra violet light (hardly practical).
I always wipe around the kitchens and fridge, bog with an anti-bacterial that even kills HIV,
I just hope that I am doing enough, seeing as the country is in the grip of compensation fever.
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 20 January 2004
HI steve if your interested I have a zip file with info for some cleaning chemical. Not sure what its about but a list of this and that. If you want it send P/M cheers Alan
Posted by petra (petra), 20 January 2004
We use anti bacterial chemicals and we also use a colour codes system to avoid cross contamination... But have heard that some companies use a product called sani dip for cloths, they soak all cloth in this and then re use them, but if you soak a bog cloth with a kitchen cloth, this surley must cause problems. Petra
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 20 January 2004
Hi petra i would agree with you on that one .
P.S Too much T.V its not good for you!
Posted by DP (DP), 20 January 2004
HI steve if your interested I have a zip file with info for some cleaning chemical. Not sure what its about but a list of this and that. If you want it send P/M cheers Alan
Who's STEVE did I miss something or is this an "anyone out there moment" you know like a e-seance, should we all hold hands?
humm wonder if that would work, could be a new business venture. Thanks Steve ahhhh
Posted by Fox (Fox), 21 January 2004
Hey guys where are we going? This subject is a pretty serious one and can have such an impact on the cleaning environment in the future.
Think about it! and think about the original question, I would be interested in your answers to these also.
Regards Fox
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 21 January 2004
Hi DP Sorry that should have been addressed to Martin_606 Never mind we all allowed to make at least one mistake in our lives. Cheers Alan
Posted by stephen_gary (stephen_gary), 21 January 2004
do you mean unfriendly or friendly bacteria. What we do to reduce the exposure to insurance claims in regard to bacteria is to add some yakult to the conventional cleaning chemicals.
Have you considered the ramifications associated with exposure to radioactive hydrophilc compounds which are present in most dairy based goods and the cleaning of such production areas.
Posted by DP (DP), 22 January 2004
Good tip. No Dairy products to be used in or around high risk breeding zones, ( I hope that wouldnt include the chocolate sauce as well ) ?
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