General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Water Stained Real Wood Flooring
Posted by Les (Les), 25 January 2004
My Client, (the one who's son has been drawing over the Merc upholstery with Biro) also has water staining on her wooden floorboards. Something about leaving the wet dog blanket on it overnight. It's left dark ingrained stains which I suspect won't come out without sanding, if then. Any great ideas anyone She gives me all the easy jobs, they also have a Copper...Yes Copper bath to clean I'm sure she's doing one of those 'House of Horror ' programmes Still, no sign of hidden cameras AND I haven't peed in her water tank
Posted by Auto_Groom (Auto_Groom), 25 January 2004
is the floor varnished
Posted by DP (DP), 25 January 2004
Still, no sign of hidden cameras AND I haven't peed in her water tank
How do you know, would'nt they be hidden . Watch out I used to deal in camera's as a second business and there is very little they cant be put into
Posted by Les (Les), 26 January 2004
Auto_groom The floor is liquid wax polished.
Good point about the cameras DP, "DOH" I don't mind though, I do an honest job and I'm reasonably photoge......photogin.....I take a good photo
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