General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
wondering if anyone can give me advice
Posted by jroberts (jroberts), 8 February 2004
Hi , i'm not a cleaning professional , just a general person with a bit of a problem , i have just purchased a cream leather 3 piece suite and my 4 yr old daughter has drawn all over the chair with biro and everything i have tried has not worked to remove it , please could some-one tell me what will remove the blue biro from the leather thank you
Posted by kb58 (keith b), 8 February 2004
I did have a old housewives tales cleaning book once!
and i remember it saying to use Lemon juice mixed with olive oil to clean leather chairs?, apparently the mild acid of lemon cuts through the stain and the oil lubricates the leather, it might be worth a try!!.
Have you tried a shop bought general purpose leather cleaner??.
let me know if you have any success!!
Posted by Les (Les), 8 February 2004
Sorry to hear about your problem.
I have a customer with ink on leather car seats.
I located various specialist leather companies and got various options. However they all said that it is difficuilt to remove after about 48 hours.
You could try Judy at LTT ,( she contributes to this group) Tel: 01423881027. They supply a variety of cleaners for different kinds of leather. Just about to try out their products myself.
Hope it helps
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