Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 24 March 2004
Customer phone today two hours after I cleaned her lounge and separate dining area advising the lounge area has rippling, 100% wool imitation sea grass design not jute. Has anyone come across this problem
same carpet in dinning area no rippling.
Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 24 March 2004
Hi Len,
Yes, Ive had it happen - flattened out,with no further problems on drying.
Posted by Cloverleaf (Cloverleaf), 24 March 2004
Had the same problem a few times, looks very worying 
but always settles back into shape 
John Milnes
Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 24 March 2004
Click on this link
Scroll down the page a little and you should see a picture of a rippled carpet. Does yours look like this - If so do not panic it will return to normal.
Is it possible that the other room was not wet as much or that you used less heat in that room.
Keep on smiling
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 24 March 2004
Invariably, as others have already stated, the problem should disappear upon complete drying.
Occasionally there can be a problem though. The most common is with woven construction carpets, particularly wiltons. If the fitting is defective somewhere e.g under a radiator (quite common) then the carpet will shrink in one direction causing the carpet to ripple. Easily rectified after about a week, with a repair to the faulty fitting and a re-stretch.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 24 March 2004
By the disruption the customer gave I would say yes it’s the third pic down but mine would have look cleaner when I left, will call the customer tomorrow late afternoon, hoping that it flattened out, then as Ken advised give it week and if need and rectify the problem faulty fitting and restricting.
This has only happened once before but never on a pure wool carpet, and then panic set in.
Ken it’s not a Wilton should have advised in my posting sorry.
Many thanks Lads for the info
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 29 March 2004
Contacted the customer again today every things ok.
Once again thanks
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