General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Posted by dionne_hudson (dionne_hudson), 18 November 2003
As a new business i would really appreciate some advice on pricing. I like to be innovative in my approach to a traditional service but a guide on the going rates for hotels offices and shops and how to work out those rates would be a really useful basis for me to begin with.
hope all you experts can help

Posted by petra (petra), 19 November 2003
There are previous posts that cover this, so have a look and if you don't find anything then pm me.
Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 24 November 2003
Ten years ago when I was researching a Chars Franchise the rate was £10 per hour per cleaner.
However in 2003 I have seen so called Franchises offering cleaners for £8.50 an hour
Would any Contact or Domestic Cleaning company like to comment.
Posted by Musicman (Musicman), 24 November 2003
It all depends on location (dictating the wage rate and subsequently the chargeable rate), size of contract (the larger ones attracting a lower margin), and amount and type of capital equipment involved (vacuums to scrubber driers) plus a few other, less significant variables.
Ten years ago the chargeable rate would have been nearer £5-6 per hour as the typical cleaner's wage would have been around £3 per hour.
Nowadays, with the NMW in place, a chargeable rate of £8.50 an hour seems reasonable - but dependant upon the above listed factors.
This is for commercial contracts. Haven't a clue about domestic.
Hope this helps.
Posted by domestix (domestix), 25 November 2003
My business has been working in the domestic market for 3 years now.
It depends what your employment situation is like where you live. If no unemployment, then you need to attract and keep good staff - pay more money or give bonuses etc. If you do this, then you need to charge out more. Around £12-13 pounds an hour (including VAT) is what we charge for "normal" cleaning - some companies charge a lot more. One-off cleaning and spring cleaning you can charge more.
We obviously supply all our own materials, including vacuums.
Hope this helps.
Posted by petra (petra), 2 December 2003
I think it depends on your reputation, quality and reliablity and location and how desperate a client is, I have just had someone offer to double my rate for a one off house clean, as long as I am on site and do the job Friday......and for that course I'll run... another client feels my rates are reasonable for a good service...I have base line prices, but if the work load for me and my staff is heavy, and the mood takes me I try charging a few quid more and most of the time I get away with it...but I do not charge a call out fee for emergencies.
Ps if you browse through the forum there is quite a big thread about this already
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