General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Roof Gutterings
Posted by steve-mark (steve-mark), 10 August 2003
Hi, The name is Steve,
Can anyone tell me the best way to clean roof gutterings & if there is a special kit that I can buy and from whom
Many thanks
Steve (A1 Power-Kleen Taunton Som).
Posted by steve_tyler (steve_tyler), 10 August 2003
Hi steve,
when i was in the roofing game,we used to use a good old fashion trowel (or similar tool) a brush and a rubbish bag.You could use a pressure washer if the gutter is not silted up to much as you dont want to block up the outlet or traps.Good luck, steve tyler.
Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 11 August 2003
Hi Steve
We sell a special high pressure water fed pole which can be used with pressure washers at ground level and it has 2 sideways firing nozzles that can clean gutters etc. As Steve quite rightly said though, you have to be a little careful that you don't end up blocking the downpipes.
Give us a call on 0800 9154154 if you need more info
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 23 August 2003
Hi Steve if ever I do any wash downs I swear by ammonia deadly brings PVC up really well.
And I would stick with Steve Tyler trowel and brush washers make too much work.
Posted by steve-mark (steve-mark), 26 August 2003
Thanks to all for all your help.
Regard to you all
A1 Power-Kleen ( Taunton) ZomerZet 
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