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Cleaning Tiles and Grouting

Posted by Tenacious (Tenacious), 12 October 2003
What is the best pruduct and method for cleanig the grout between bathroom tiles,

I have tried re-grouting but the muppet who put up the tiles did not space them so i cant remove the old grout without damaging the tiles, Any help would be much appreciated.

Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 12 October 2003
We recommend the use of a Steam Gun for cleaning dirty grout but if it's just a case of discolouration then you can get away with bleaching it.
Posted by petra (petra), 13 October 2003
Soda crystals work well too, just make up a strong solution, and it will clean the tiles at the same time, a scubbing brush helps with the grout.
Petra Grin

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