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Driveway Cleaning
Posted by Tony_Browning (Tony_Browning), 24 November 2003
For those folks who already do drive/patio cleaning what equipment other than a pressure washer do you reccomend?
Do you use the customers water supply?
Are there ever issues with directing the water to suitable drains, etc.
Kind Rgds
Posted by aqua-cleanse (aqua-cleanse), 25 November 2003
Hi Tony I think your post would be better on (general cleaning issues board) ?
I use a flat surface cleaner with a power lance also a normal lance .water bowser holds 250 gallons and i also have a generator to run a hoover to clean up any moss or dirt as you dont want to block up any drains.
You should not have a problem with running water down the drain unless you are using chemicals ?
my web site is just getting sorted out but it may give you a better idea . Dave
Posted by wreelyclean_servic (Wreelyclean Services), 28 December 2003
..Hi Dave..saw your web site and it looks good...have a look at the spelling of "weather" though....I`m sure it should be wever...or is it wevverrr...or is it whether?...Have Fun...
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