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Pouches on a beltPosted by fez (fez), 26 February 2004
My pouches are looking a bit ragged (too many roses around).
I've been looking for replacements and I've seen the Unger green ones and the WinSpray jumbo pouch that fits on WinSpray's own belt.
Anyone out there using either of those? I want something hard wearing that will still look good in 12 months time.
What do you use and would you recommend it?
At the moment I use a bucket on a belt and two pouches, one wet, one dry.
Thanks for any help. Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 26 February 2004
I wouldn't bother with the Unger green ones. The material is made of two layers and it cracks and then flakes at points of wear.
The old olive coloured Unger pouches were much better, but I can't get my hands on one - does anyone know of current stockists?Posted by Polepro (Polepro), 26 February 2004
There's a really smart leather one shown on the Ionic website.
TomPosted by stephen (stephen), 26 February 2004
i use the win spray one find it better than the plastic ones you still get a wet leg .
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