Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
pure water for carpet cleaningPosted by pure_genius (pure_genius), 10 January 2004
Has anyone used pure water for carpet cleaning.
I have heard that you dont need to use so much detergent or chemicals? Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 10 January 2004
I could not use less detergent than none at all!
However, if I did use detergent then there would be less in the water to inhibit the action of the detergent, after all, the hardness of water used to be measure by the amount of 'Standard Soap Solution' requied to produce a lather but the cost of purification would probably ouyweigh the savings in detergent.
Purified (demineralised) water, if we get down to splitting hairs, would leave the carpet slightly cleaner but something very much more sensitive than the human eye would be needed to determine the difference.
JohnPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 10 January 2004
I have a on-board water softener. I have noticed no differance in the waters cleaning ability. you can use less chemicals but like John I also use a freshwater rinse.
The reason I bought it was my water heater was scaling up and I was forever cleaning the crap out of my jet filters.
I always mention to customers that I use 'special' water to clean their carpets
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