Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
maintanance help
Posted by Emin (Emin), 1 March 2004
Hello everyone
I recently purchased a Prochem steempro 2000 powermax (brand new)
I would like to find out from you experts what sort of maintanance I need to carry out after every job. (e.g. in the manual it suggests pumping 10 litters of water through the system <seems a bit too much>) but what do you suggest.
Thank you.
Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 2 March 2004
Before use, cleck that the high level device/ lint filter is properly in place - it can fall off if you bump the machine when unloading.
After each job check/clean the lint filter. check that the dump valve is fully closing - if not a long-brstled brush can remove debris fron the grove which the shutter runs in.
Flush the soil tank with clean water, using a brush to release any gunge of tank walls - pay particulat attention to the area of tank the dirty water hit on the way in as you may get quite a build-up of fluff/hair at this point.
Pumping through 10 ltrs of water does sound excessive, how much flushing is sensible depends on what you have put in the tank. If you normally use an extraction detergent but have been using an acidic rinse, it would be beneficial not to flush at all.
Don't forget to check to rubber seal of the soil tank lid occasionaly, these can become damaged/detached causing partial suction loss.
Posted by Nigel_W (Nigel_W), 2 March 2004
I believe it is also meant to be a good idea to thoroughly dry your vacs out at the end of the job. Once you have removed your pipes take off the dirty tank lid and run the vacs for a couple of mins. Apparently this will increase the life of your vac motors.
Posted by Ken_Wainwright (Ken Wainwright), 2 March 2004
Once a week, spray all seals on QD fittings with a silicon spray (NEVER use WD40 or similar as they could rot the seals). Also spray onto the seals in the dump valve and the gullotine shaft . I also spray the male QD connectors as it makes attach and release smoother. I find that cleaning with an acid rinse at least once a week reduces the likelyhood of a scale build up on heating elements. I have a preference to drain out the pump, tools and hoses after every job. If you're caught by a sudden light frost with the kit on the van overnight, you should escape with little or no freeze up damage. I also drain the pump/hose with an open connector attached. This allows you to "hose down" the inside of the recovery tank after each job. A more occasional, thorough clean as mentioned above is still advised though.
Safe and happy cleaning
Posted by Emin (Emin), 2 March 2004
Thank you for all your advice
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