Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Iron or Steamer??
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 6 December 2003
When using some of the chemicals for red stains etc . The ones that require extra heat applied through a terry towel.
What do you find best?
An iron on the towel of using a steamer??
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 7 December 2003
mark when I went to the Connection show i watched a demo of red stain removal he used a wall paper stripper steamer over a damp towel, he left it on for about 5 mins .
Does anyone use this remover or do you all go straight to a reducer?
Posted by Caesar (Caesar), 15 December 2003
Steamer is safer but learn the iron any ways as back up and for working experience if all else fails...Steamer takes time but as i said less liability...Cobbs is by far the very best...
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 15 December 2003
When usisng the steam method does the red dye transfer onto the towel or doe sit "loosen" the dyes for extraction?
Posted by woodman (woodman), 15 December 2003
I use this method and infact removed a salad dressing/vinaigrette stain today from an 80/20 in a home where the guys disabled and on medication.
NO solvents could be used.
Kit: One-step spotter,terry towel,steamer and extractor.
Spray one step onto affected area, cover with terry towel, using hand held steamer blast over terry towel with steam, using your body weight stand on terry towel.Stain is absorbed up , extract off remainder in usual manner.
Stain's gone,no residue,no chemicals .
Simple and effective 
Posted by ALEXDH (ALEXDH), 15 December 2003
how hot do you have the iron gentlman 
Chars and seasons greetings
Posted by MB (Mark Betts), 15 December 2003
Hic !!!
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 16 December 2003
Both will work
you can drill a few more holes in a iron (not too deep)
buy one at a used store and give it a wirl.
The extra holes sure make it work better
Wall paper steamers work great too
Like all things be carefull
dont let either one set too long on carpet

Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_G.), 16 December 2003
Thats fine but what chemical are you all using.
Redex. ?
One Step?
Any More ?
Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 16 December 2003
Cti red relief
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