Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
How big is your pointer?
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 21 October 2003
Hello all,
I've been making do with bog standard ladders for a year now, and after a lot of uming and aring I am going to buy a pointer.
I was looking at a set 2.05 metres closed 5.33 metres fully extended. ( sorry oldies, I haven't a clue how big that is in old money)
i mostly do residential a lot of bay windows.
Does this size sound about right, or will they be too big and bulky.
What's a safe height to go up to on a pointer, I have never used one before?
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 21 October 2003
Hi Rob,
I mostly use a 3.66m (Double 12ft) and this is fine for most residential jobs.
Hope this Helps!
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 21 October 2003
Cheers Steve,
Hmm thats even bigger than what I was looking at which I thought might be too big and clumsy. Quite a bit of difference in price too. Any idea why pointers are so dear?
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 21 October 2003
Hi Rob,
No i don't know why they are so much more expensive but i would not be without one because they are so much safer on uneven ground and they can get where a standard ladder can not.
Steve Lowe
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 21 October 2003
I have noticed a lot of people mention that they are safer which is why I'm going to purchase one. thanks for your time.
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 21 October 2003
Hi Rob
when you say pointers do you mean A-frame ladders
Cheers Alan
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 21 October 2003
Hi alan,
Yes I do mean A frame ladders, I said pointer because the ladders I'm getting are called a Monarch Wooden Pointer by Titan.
Posted by shinnyshinner (shinnyshinner), 21 October 2003
Hi Rob
I have just up graded all my ladders to A-frame and noticed on 1st job wish I got them years ago your right so much safer I got myself Heavy duty alloy double 21.7ft another double light alloy 14ft and a 6ft single point they also look far more professional I have had loads of comments about them, I use them to sell my business saying safer as I can work on top off the window as no more reaching and no slips and also eliminate any damage to the customers frames no scratching etc and it is worth a few bob more to the customer I put an extra 50p to £1 on all new jobs.
I got mine from Lansford www.ladders999.co.uk
Cheers Alan
Posted by Rob_B (Rob_B), 23 October 2003
I got my new ladders today, and I must say i can't beleive how much better they are.
I was a bit weary of them at first I couldn't get my head around ladders resting on a point, but felt a lot safer by being able to rest my ladder 1/2 to 3/4 up a window instead of on the sill.
All new starters these are a must, i remember when i was starting out, it wasn't too pleasent working up ladders until I got used to it. Forget about the price.
Steve Lowe, I got the same size as you use, and I think these will be perfect, I'm used to a small set of alloy ladders though, these wooden ones aren't half heavy. I'm going to be built like a brick s**t house in a few months.
Posted by STEVE71163 (Steve Lowe), 23 October 2003
Hi Rob,
They are better arent they
You will soon get used to how heavy they are and you will be glad they are wood now the winter is nearly here ( A lot warmer to touch).
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