Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Start up machinePosted by Steve_34 (Steve_34), 5 April 2004
Hi guys,im looking into starting up in carpet cleaning and am looking for a reliable portable machine just to get me started to see how things go,i have thought of the prochem cherokee,can anyone please comment on the performance,reliability of machine etc,and any other machines i should consider,many thanks...StevePosted by Pristine_Cleaning (Pristine_Cleaning), 5 April 2004
Hi Steve,
I have just started also in the Carpet Cleaning world also. I would recommend reading through previous posts about starting up, there is a lot of good advice on this forum.
Having looked at all the options of machines for about 4 weeks before placing an order for a machine I setteled on the Prochem Steampro 2000 powermax. It met all of the minimum requirements that were recommended to me from this forum.
Prochem are well established and provide everything from, Machines, Training and Chemicals and accessories for starting your business.
Other machines to look at are the Recoil 3, Ninja and Alltec.
My advice to you would be get comfortable, brew a coffee or tea for yourself and take time to read through the previous posts on this forum, there is a mine of information here, then start asking all the questions here, you will get all the help and advice you need for starting.
Best of Luck and Welcome to the Forum.
John Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 5 April 2004
Welcome to the forum and the industry.
Your question has been asked many times - May I sugest that you first look back at the older posts (especially the questions asked by Alex) and you will glean a great deal of advice.
If these fail to produce suficient information or raise issues you have not so far concidered, then you will be able to come back with specific queries.
Take particular attention to the advice to start with training, even before machine selection.
John.Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 5 April 2004
Hey John,
Spooky or what? Same advice, same posting time -
Have you hacked into my network ?
John (not you, John, me, John.)Posted by Pristine_Cleaning (Pristine_Cleaning), 5 April 2004
Holy Moley John,
Verrrrrryyyyyy Scary. This place must be having an affect on me if I am already giving out the tried and trusted advice of some of the more established members.
I hope my business follows the same route of the successful members.
JohnPosted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 6 April 2004
A very valid point has been highlighted... perhaps there should be a separate section on this board for 'starting a business in carpet cleaning'
This could be added to at various points but would be a starting point for any new people coming into the industry...
it would save on multiple postings by existing contributors and also save the new person trawling 'all' the posts.
DerekPosted by Christal_Clean (Bryan H), 6 April 2004
Excellent idea Derek !
BryanPosted by sandrew (sandrew), 6 April 2004
hi i would go for alltec allday long good people free advice an courses free with machines stan Posted by Happyeater (Happyeater), 6 April 2004
You think? Posted by Dynafoam (Dynafoam), 6 April 2004
Your idea makes so much sense, o wise one.
John.Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 7 April 2004
Thanks John and Bryan
I have sent an e-mail directly to Mike Boxall with this suggestion so you may suddenly see a section set up....fingers crossed
DerekPosted by Novice (Ian Gale), 7 April 2004
For what its worth I also think its an good idea too.Posted by Ian_G. (Ian_Gourlay), 8 April 2004
Its an excellent idea.
Who needs to buy start up manuals etc with all of the expertise of Britains Bests and most friendly Carpet Cleaners available on the net.Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 8 April 2004
Hi Guys
As you know we've done it on the window cleaning section but there are still times when good questions get unanswered. Having spoken with a few members about it now we've decided to set-up a seperate section just with links to popular topics - a frequently asked questions section specifically for carpet cleaning.
We can add to it anytime but it would be a static list of previous topics. This would mean that the regulars wouldn't have to check both sections and new members could easily find answers to popular questions. With so many forums about we need to try to make it as quick and easy to check out all the new topics as possible without being asked the same question time and again.
There are the obv ious questions that keep getting asked but plese let's have your suggestions for any you think are relevent.
You'll be pleased to know that we've finally got round to implementing some of the other suggestions we've had over the past few months and these should be in place by the end of the month - watch this space!!
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