Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Upholstery Shampoo queryPosted by Appleton_Cleaning (Bill Appleton), 6 February 2004
Evenin' all. Still waiting for the sprog to drop ( 10 days to go!) and spending some time at home with the missus to provide reassurance, chauffer service, etc. This gives me some time to book new jobs in for after the birth, and attempt to get a bit more organised
Now the problem is this: When I did the training courses with Ashbys and Prochem, and they demo'd the upholstery cleaning bit, they both used one of those orange pump-up sprayer thingys to apply the fabric shampoo. I went with an Ashbys machine and chemical package, and simply cannot get the mixed solution ( mixed as per the instruccies in the same orange etc.) to come out onto the material as nice light fluffy foam like they did. It sometimes foams up a little when I agitate, and generally gets the suite clean enough to impress the customer, but I can't help but wonder AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG
Any help gratefully accepted.
BillPosted by carpet_bright (carpet_bright), 6 February 2004
Are you sure it was shampoo. The Prochem course I went on they used fabric restorer. This sometimes seems to foam more on some fabrics than others. This is down to the absorbancy of the fabric. Some fabrics need much more application and agitation than others.
Only my opinion though. The Gods will surely step in
PaulPosted by Dave_Parry (Dave Parry), 6 February 2004
On the ashbys course they use supreme shampoo, diluted and sprayed using a steam gun, with a faom gun attached. I spray mine into a bucket, until filled and apply and agitate with a softish brush.Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 7 February 2004
Hi Guys
When cleaning flatweaves using the shampoo method you do need a 'good' high foaming crystalising shampoo to act as a carrier for the cleaning chemical.
The shampoo will assist in the cleaning but more importantly doesn't let the chemical it is carrying penetrate through the fabric into the stuffers and fillers.
I have for many years used the 'scrunge' for agitation.. this is a synthetic sponge with a nylon back which is ideal for agitation... Prochem stock them.
Hope this helps
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