General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Using a floor polisher -I want to pick your brainsPosted by ukmediums (ukmediums), 5 November 2003
I started my job Monday and all is going well. Well that was until I used the floor buffer for the first time tonight. What a nightmare!!!!!! . I couldnt keep it still. Is there a special way of taming these beasts? Apart from unplugging it.
Also I remember my old caretaker at school had a overcoat/jacket like beige in color and wool I think. Are these still available to buy today? I have been told I can get 2 uniforms but dont fancy boiler suits so was wondering about the jacket/coat. I am going back a few years now but also remember the caretaker from Grange H ill had one lol
Any help is appreciated as always.
Thanks SimonPosted by pre-vac_Nick (pre-vac_Nick), 5 November 2003
hello matey,
easy this one just be gentle with the little beasts 1inch up will take you right 1inch down will take you to the left.
Its a little like clutch control in a car very precise, after a while you'll be able to buff a floor with just 2 fingers on the control, also when i was buffing the Prochem floors i would place a cup of water would on top of the motor and i could buff a corridor without spilling a drop!!!
stupid i know and dangerous but i was board so it was fun and fine tuned my buffing skills (ooh eerr)!!! Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 6 November 2003
Hi Simon
Nicks right, it's just practice.
The hardest part is learning what position to start in. Drop the handle so that it rests just a couple of inches below waist height and then lift it before you start the machine (when you drop the handle the machine becomes off balance - you have to start the machine with the pad / brush entirely flat on the floor)
Once you have this position right then its a case of lifting the machine slightly to go one way and dropping it to go the other, remembering that you always need to get it back to the flat position to keep it still. Once you get the knack it's easy. We've all been there although you're at a disadvantage not having someone with you to show you!
The cleaner your floorpad the easier it will be to control it.
MikePosted by leon (leon), 12 January 2004
spik allways remember u control the machine and it dont control youPosted by Stu (Stu), 29 January 2004
And if it all starts going pear shaped remember two words often forgotten by new cleaners and floor machines.........
"Let go"
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