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ninja for sale
Posted by lenpg (Len Gribble), 22 January 2004

FOR SALE Ashbys Ninja Commercial Carpet Cleaning Machine. £1100 cost over £3000
Due to relocation we are offering for sale a 3year old Ashbys Ninja comprising of the following specifications :
2 X H.D. three stage vacuum motors
135 PSI Induction pump with flow control
Solvent adaption kit
Two jet s/steel wand
ES metal hand tool
6 inch curtain tool
2 X 25ft H.P. Hose sets
Still in complete and pefect working order, due to low use of the machine we still have the orginal chemical package that was bought along with the machine that will be chucked in with the sale.....a real bargin!
Contact Johnny on (H) 01787 2100 10 (M) 07961 167 302
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