Window Cleaning Issues - Canvassing, pole systems, pricing, problems, etc.
Customer ComentsPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 15 January 2004
After finishing cleaning the windows of one of my regular customers I have a brew and chat to her. While we were talking another window cleaner started to clean the back of a house across from us. I was shocked to hear my customer say that he will be in the pub when he has made enough money for a session .I asked her what her views of window cleaners were ,and to my supprise she said most are on the dole, eye up your house for a friend to break in, and are in general a untrustworthy lot , she reconed that about 40% of all window cleaners are for real . My next question was where do I fit in on your list , I was one of the 40% I tried to tell her that the figures were wrong and there were more good than bad ,but she had her mind made up.
How many of your customers have a similar attitude
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