General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Wedding Dress Dry cleaningPosted by rebekaho (rebekaho), 7 January 2004
Can anyone advise on what cleaning fluids should be used to clean a Vera Wang wedding dress made from faillePosted by leerob695 (leerob695), 7 January 2004
i would probably take it to a specialist dry cleaner or if you really wanna do it yourself i would try some sort of OMS (ODOURLESS MINERAL SPIRIT) but before you go splashing it all over so to speak you MUST pre test the dress with the chemical in an inconspicuas area so you know that it will not damage the dress and also do not saturate the dress with the product apply it to a terry towel
me myself i would go for option 1 and take it somewherePosted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 8 January 2004
Contact the Drycleaning Technology Centre
Tel: 01943 816545
They will be able to help you
Kind regards
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