Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Communal Area Carpet CleaningPosted by woodman (woodman), 24 November 2003
I have just spent 3 hrs measuring and estimating a carpet clean on the communal areas of 12 large blocks of private apartments, hundreds and hundreds of stairs. (my legs are killing me. )
Once I'd finished and we sit down for a chat over a cuppa the Estate Manager then informs me that the cleaning has to be a form of dry clean because of risk to clients ie wet floors,hoses ,noise etc .
You may or may not of noticed a previous posting saying much the same, when it comes to public areas safety has become the big issue and a lot of management companies want an alternative to HWE cleaning.
Looks like I'll be investing in a D.F. system before long.
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