Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Inline heater wantedPosted by chrisw (chrisw), 6 November 2003
I need an inline heater as mine is leaking from the probe. Can anyone help, please?
Chris Posted by Ray (Ray), 6 November 2003
If it is the same heater as we use it will be leaking from where the probe sits in the centre of the heater. We have found a plumber who will take it apart (it is very tight put some ptfe tape on it afterwards) and silver solder the join and then its fine for about 12 months before it starts to leak again. The design is poor all that they have done is crimped the end so with expansion of hot and cold it eventualy starts to leak again.
Hope that helps
Ray Posted by chrisw (chrisw), 6 November 2003
Thanks Ray I will try that. I took it to a sheet metal place about 5 weeks ago and the guy there brazed a bit onto the crimped end and it did the trick until now. Will try silver solder. Cheers mate
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