General Cleaning Issues - Floorcare, car valeting, buying and selling businesses, pricing, staffing, market research, etc.
Hard floor problem
Posted by petra (petra), 18 February 2004
Well just come across a floor that has been coated in varnish (oil based)
Any of you have idea's on how to strip it (using paint stripper at the mo)
Posted by Les (Les), 19 February 2004
Hi Petra,
I haven't noticed you on the site recently
Busy stripping that floor by the looks of it 
Have you tried Mike B to see what Express might have ?
Is it the oil base that's the trouble, oh, and what type of flooring is it ?
I've used a product called 'Floorstrip' with reasonable success and I will check with my supplier to see if suitable once I know about the type of flooring involved.
Posted by petra (petra), 19 February 2004
tried all normal strippers to no avail, not been on site, as Im just going throught marital breakdown m8, but im fine, actualy very happy.

Posted by Les (Les), 19 February 2004
Hi Petra,
glad to read second half of you reply, (keep smilin
but not in public places because people think you've lost the plot
So what type of flooring was it ?
Posted by Darren_Sharpe (Darren_Sharpe), 26 February 2004
Hi Petra
If you could let me know a little more about the surface you are trying to clean and the type of covering (layers)I may be able to help but only if it is definately oil based.
darren Sharpe
Posted by Scots_cleaner (Scots_cleaner), 26 February 2004

Hi Petra,
Call this company cleaning systems uk you will get them on this web site www.cleaning-systems-uk.com
ask for Gordon the do alot of produts for stripping and sealing wooden floors.
Regards Barry..
Posted by petra (petra), 29 March 2004
it was varnish....... 
Posted by adl (dave555), 30 March 2004
most floor strippers are used for sealents only if it is varnish as you say then i would ether find out what was the brand used and contact the manufacture for the stripping agent (most manufacturers make a stripping agent for their sealents however if it is varnish then you will most probebly have to sand the floor we do alot of pubs that have been dimond glazed and the only way to get them stripped is with a belt sander (about 20 quid a day all hire shops have them working along the length of the timber gives a very even finish, be carefull if using this method on domestics as most belt sanders only come upto 240 grit paper so if you are re-varnishing the floor then following the first coat give the hardened varnish a light sand prior to the second coat to give it an nice finsh.
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