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A bit of floor buffing advice please.

Posted by steve_massey (steve_massey), 16 October 2003
I've just done a test patch for a company which wan't there floor buffing / cleaning. The floor is a industrial floor paint which used to shine before people walked on it. I've been and done a test patch and got the job.

I used hard surface cleaner and buffed with red pab and then sprayed a light mist of hard surface and went over with tan pad, But the floor didn't realy shine that well after i had gone over with tan pad.
Is there any other chemical i can use to bring a shine back ? don't for get its painted so i dont want to take paint off.

Cheers steve
mirror image cleaning services
Posted by arc_cleaning (arc_cleaning), 16 October 2003
hi steve
first what is the floor use for? is there any kind of computer chips being fitted. ie final assembly.static free floor u dont want to blow the clients chips? depending on what the floor is used for, i would put a emulsion polish down, about 25% solids then maintain with floor polish maintainer, buff to a high shine with red floor pads. it all depends what is nomal daily use if folk lift trucks are used daily u would have to look at it again??
hope this helps
Posted by steve_massey (steve_massey), 17 October 2003
its just a large shop floor ,
cheers for your help
Posted by Derek (Derek Bolton), 19 October 2003

Its a good few years since I last buffed a floor but I did an awful lot in my time.
I always found that I could get a far better finish if I used a buffing brush rather than buffing pads.

Anyone care to comment....times may have changed?

Posted by Mike_Boxall (Mike_Boxall), 20 October 2003
Hi Steve
Most alkaline hard surface cleaners will gradually strip away the surface rather than produce a shiney finish no matter what pad you use. Once you start putting new polish down you are creating a whole new maintenance program for yourself (don't know if thats a good thing or bad for you) If they just want a reasonable sheen try something like a good quality lemon gel. ( )

Regards Mike

Derek - I've found the same but I think most people are put off by the cost! Pads appear considerably cheaper!
Posted by acleanerplace (acleanerplace), 21 October 2003
good morning
if is used as general shop floor lay 1 coat of undercoat like johnsons if very busy put on 2 coats of good polish ie: butchers maintain with red pad and floor masintainer if done well and maintained should last 6 months

hope this helps

anything else dont hesitate to contact me

mike collins

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