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BANE CLENE EXTRA VACUUM Posted by Ivar_Haglund (Ivar_Haglund), 26 October 2003
Yes I know many will joke about this
but I found a very simple cure to add a lot more vacuum
Instead of spending a ton of money on a Aqua vac
i hooked up a three stage lamb tec in series with the #3 blower
Not only do I get more vacuum and drier carpets the electric motor runs at less amps by taking some of the load off the blower.
still need to run two cords
but much drier carpets for very little extra money.
Posted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 26 October 2003
Ivar, where have you attached the vac?
I've actually gone one better, I have fitted 2x 3 stage vacs in to an metal box and fitted a 'T' junction on the waste tank. the box sits nicely in the gap behind the hose reels with a pipe leading to the 'T' junction.
if you want to really inprove your Bane fit a diesal burner to heat the water its fantastic
Nice to see another Bane user searching for better performance
MikePosted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 27 October 2003
What is it about Bane. Everyone who uses them seem to be always trying to improve vacuum or heat or something. Can the manufacturers themselves not come up with a better product.
FintanPosted by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 28 October 2003
Finton, is'nt that the trouble with all carpet cleaners they're never happy with what they got. Even big truckmount owners are buying new pieces of kit trying to increase performance, Eg Lee & Glynn have very powerfull truckmounts but still bought new wands to increase drying times
I think all Bane users would like more heat but the Bane company think that reliability is the main thing needed in a truckmount so have built a very simple, easy to maintain machine, its not unknown for a bane machine to last 25 years
If they where to fit burners or bigger blowers it would compromise there basic idea.
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