Carpet Cleaning Issues - Carpet construction, upholstery cleaning, stain removal, equipment, events, etc.
Are results like this really achievablePosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 14 November 2003
after Posted by timjwright (timjwright), 14 November 2003
I'd be interested to know where you got those pictures. I saw the exact ones on a website of a cleaner local to me and was claiming they were his. I doubt it somehow
To answer the question, I think it is possible to get similar results but camera trickery is easy to do these days.Posted by A_to_Z_Clean (A_to_Z_Clean), 14 November 2003
to have results like this..........................
AtoZ CLeanPosted by stevegunn (Steve Gunn), 14 November 2003
on 11/14/03 at 08:22:51, timjwright wrote:I'd be interested to know where you got those pictures. I saw the exact ones on a website of a cleaner local to me and was claiming they were his. I doubt it somehow
To answer the question, I think it is possible to get similar results but camera trickery is easy to do these days.
I got them from by mike_halliday (mike_halliday), 14 November 2003
its quite easy to fake picture all you do is get a clean chair take a photo and use this as your 'after' photo the get some brown powder paint mix some up in a sprayer and spray the chair , take another photo and use this as you 'before' photo
MikePosted by Tony_Browning (Tony_Browning), 14 November 2003
I Agree that this may be a photo subject to a little tampering and lighting change...but I did clean a suite (draylon) some months back which I beleived to be beige and after cleaning turned out to be pink, the colouring (as in this case) is due to some old biddy chain smoking for the past million years.
The waste water in my machine was thick black and gloopy...worse than a well soiled carpet!!!
The suite in question took 4 B*****y hours and I was out of pocket....I lived and learn't.
TonyPosted by paul@ctcs (paul@ctcs), 14 November 2003
looks like they decorated and put down some new carpet too!! Im sure the real difference is the light on this pic or they tipped a few cups of tea on the thing and claim the after is actually the before.Posted by John_Flynn (John_Flynn), 14 November 2003
The Splash and Dash lad I called in a fews weeks ago to do my suite for £30.00 took the pic's, much cheaper to pay him than do it misen
Posted by woodman (woodman), 14 November 2003
Results like these are achievable, on this kind of furniture, looks like they cleaned the carpet aswell.
I just don't think you would want to advertise it like this.
Every customer you had would expect the same Posted by timjwright (timjwright), 14 November 2003
Amazing, the customers of this company must have had the same chair and carpet and it came up just as well!
I smell somethin' fishy!
wait for the flash intro to disappear and the photo is on the right of the screen.Posted by lenpg (lenpg), 14 November 2003
Hi Tony
I take it that you are an employee of Carpet Cleaning Wizard? if you are not you should contact Caroline Osborne, the owner of the Carpet Cleaning Wizard and advice them of intellectual property (Copy right)
Len (it works for me)Posted by Cloverleaf (Cloverleaf), 14 November 2003
Of course we can all achieve results like these, no problem.
I have many before and after pix taken with digital camera.
Pubs, oriental rugs, trashed carpets like new, upholstery etc. It is sometimes difficult to show the degree of difference on a photo due to lighting conditions etc.
And also the sludge drained from the tank.
I have given up showing pix to potential customers.
The results, I find are passed on through word of mouth.
I find more customers are interested in seeing the soil coming out of the wast tank when finished and I make a point of showing them.
JohnPosted by Cloverleaf (Cloverleaf), 14 November 2003
Thinking of fitting an inline filter to my portable to show the customer what has been hiding in their carpets.
Perhaps give them a bagged sample to show them what has been taken out.
Perhaps they will show to friends etc.
More referals
Posted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 15 November 2003
I have hundreds of before and after photos, showing truly amazing diferences (I wouldnt have taken the pics if they didnt) but when using a digi camera as in this case. The colours, even using the same settings can come out looking completly diferrent. In this case in the second photo everything has a more rosy glow, though obviously the chair HAS been revitalised.
Dave.Posted by Fintan_Coll (Fintan_Coll), 15 November 2003
Difficult to know, they do seem to be a very professional outfit and are switched on to Joe Polish.
FintanPosted by Dave_Lee (Dave_Lee), 15 November 2003
The best shots to show clients are those part way through a clean. This way they can see the before and after look on a single photo.
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