Starting a window cleaning business - Equipment you need, suppliers to use and trade organisations to join, etc.
Making two passes at one windowPosted by exterioruk (exterioruk), 20 January 2004
Not been cleaning windows for all that long and am having trouble cleaning a window in one pass, i keep leaving marks when trying. i end up having to touch up certain areas, im sure i will get it with pratice, anyone got any tips, as im sure im losing money all the time im doing two passes instead of one.
do i start from top left right, bottom??
helpPosted by Terry_Burrows (Terry_Burrows), 20 January 2004
well there is just about any way you can start cleaning
a window,but for now,start top right or if you left handed top left, from right to left go across the window
putting enough pressure on the glass,turning the wrist is quite important,as many people turn there arm check your squee gee blade is ok,this will take lots of go,s to get it right,I have only been doing this for 28 years
hope this helps
Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 20 January 2004
I have only been doing this for 28 years and you look so young in the photos!
Ex - maybe you should try a shorter squeegee for a while, what size are you using at present? Posted by exterioruk (exterioruk), 20 January 2004
12 " at the mo, have bigger but that makes it worse, the windows are turning out fine, but i feel i am wasting time , im using hard rubbers will it help useing soft, or is that also preference.
thanksPosted by sham33 (sham33), 20 January 2004
Soft Purlex is what u need Its also the cheapest i think. Buy it in bulk and change the rubber every day your notice a vast improvement.
I ordered some hard rubber by mistake the other day I'm hopeless with it, back to soft purlex now.Posted by Bones (Bones), 20 January 2004
on 01/20/04 at 20:20:19, sham33 wrote:change the rubber every day
And turn your rubber round half way through the day
MikeyPosted by Majestic (Majestic), 20 January 2004
But dont leave it on the window Posted by pdhanson (Silly Philly), 21 January 2004
My technique is to start vertically at the bottom left, up the left side, all the way down the right side. To finish back where I started.
As I use an 18" squeegee this works for most windows. Otherwise a slalom like technique comes into play.
Make sure your blade is dry before you put it on the window, dont mop right up to the edge. That way the rubber wont pick up any soapy water from the frame.
Most importantly of all - practice, practice, practice!
You'll find after 2 or 3 weeks you'll be twice as fast as you are now. Its a learning curve, you just have to work it.
SillyPosted by g_griffin (g_griffin), 22 January 2004
I think Davie made a good point about blade size. A smaller blade is easier to twist and turn although it does take a bit longer.
I struggled with a 14" when I first started but switching to a 10" helped. As you get better you`ll be able to use most sizes and find what`s best for you.
You can buy 10" channels or cut a larger one down.
Gerry.Posted by WavieDavie (WavieDavie), 23 January 2004
Ex - some more thoughts . . .
If you're getting the marks in the same place every time, like a diagonal mark in a top corner, you're maybe not going smoothly enough and the rubber is flexing on the sharp turn, if you know what I mean. Maybe you're pressing the squeegee too hard on the glass or gripping too hard, try an ErgoTec handle from Unger, it's really only your thumb and forefinger that are doing the business, the other three fingers are just loose on the rest of the handle - as Terry mentioned, it's all in the wrist action. Ooo Er Missus!
Is there a chance that the channel has a slight bend in it? Look along it to see if there's a slight curve.
Have a practise with a bit more soap than you normally use, but squeeze as much OFF the applicator as you can. This will give you more slip, but less suds to get in the way.
Failing all the suggestions you've had so far, have you bumped into any friendly looking window cleaners who would be willing to give you a "Master Class" - ask them to watch what you're doing and see if they can figure it out. Or ask them to show you how they do it. Just tell them you're not long on the tools and could do with being pointed in the right direction. At worst, they'll only break your legs for being on their patch
Don't worry, one day everything clicks into place and you'll wonder how you could ever have had problems - trust me.
All the best, and remember - if you don't solve your problems you're not learning.
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